Well he is a racist, bigot, anti Semite, this is a known thing, so no surprises here.
A country is more than an economy. We’re a civic society,” he continued.
“Irony, i knew you’d come”
Isn’t this where Daredevil comes in and kicks ass?
Neo-nazis gonna neo-nazi…
(Jake: “I hate White House Nazis!”)
Looking on the bright side, at least Bannon and Trump are finally figuring out how DC works.
Then again, if Bannon escapes this current scrutiny…
Alt Right is Trump Nazi.
Did hE maKe chinesE eyes and say “me so sollY”? NO? Not a RacisT.
I dunno if you’re just kidding or not, but that show is fucking awesome. VD as kingpin was a brilliant choice and the guy playing DD is great. Marvel knocked it out of the park. real dirty street-level grit and grime type Marvel too…just great.
Jessica Jones and Luke Cage were good too, altho she’s just unbearable as a person (she’s supposed to be). Luke Cage really captured the sort of “Cotton Club” Harlem feel and brought it into the present too…and Alfre Woodard was her typically astounding self. It will be interesting to see how Iron Fist works out: he’s being played by the guy who played Lancel in GoT…yes, the cousin who screws Cersei and then goes all loony zealot and carves his forehead with a bloody circle.
HE onlY cares About Hell’s Kitchen. LiKe Luke Cage only cares About cleaning up Harlem. And Jessica Jones cares about getting drunk.
He’s lamenting that the white man is not in control over everything and making all the decisions, getting all the credit, getting the biggest paychecks, etc.? What’s new there? This entire election was one long primal scream of that lament.
Agree. Really amazing show. And our new King Pin from NYC keeps making me think there is a lawyer somewhere–you Sniff?–who could kick some ass any time now for me.
To be fair, Stevie, there are far fewer Silicon Valley CEOs (Asian and otherwise) per capita who are from the asshole community in comparison to those who will be in Trump’s Cabinet.
It occurs to me that every picture I’ve seen of Bannon shows a degenerate alcohol/kiddie porn/drug addict who doesn’t bathe or groom himself regularly.
I don’t think the question is are you surprised. It is can we now build the documentary evidence to turn him into such a giant pile of dung that he eventually becomes too smelly to keep around. (see Manafort). In his own words. Not that I think Trump’s constituency is fond of Southeast Asians, but putting down Silicon valley is no way to make your country great, and most people get that.
I am very encouraged by this. It is so important to show them we can make them bleed, otherwise they think they are invincible.
It’s his BRAND!! Scruffy/Surly/Snarly. It’s like Don Johnson meets your Uncle Earl who (more-or-less) beat the rap.
Haha…I wish…I used to be a crime fighting vigilante by night, but then I took an arrow to the knee…
Oh, and let’s be clear here. He’ll tell you this isn’t “racist” against Asians because “it’s not that they’re Asian…it’s just that they’re not white.”
well…racists talk that way…why the surprise?
the real story is will the mass media alert and continue to inform the people that a racist will soon be sitting in the oval office…other wise trump becomes normalized and the bar keeps getting pushed …THAT is why it was important that obama not be part of that normalization.
it allows others to use his words to defend bannon and trumps racism…
Post-election example #837 of Things it Would Have Been Nice for the Media to Report Before the Election.