Discussion: Bannon Calls Jeffrey Lord After CNN Firing Over Nazi Salute Tweet

Same goes for every GOP official. We pay them to tear our country apart and do everything they can to hurt us. It’s truly sick.


Is it just me or is Jeffrey Lord a dead ringer for Graham Nash?

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Brietbart will make sure he doesn’t need to go on food stamps any time soon.


Not dead ringer but definite resemblance.


The Nazi, whom we did abhor
Is now gemütlichkeiter
For when he isn’t making war
No one could be politer
He woos Miss Liberty with zeal
He bows with grace and rigor
To kiss the hand and click the heel
Before he clicks the trigger

E Y Harburg

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Because…of course he did!

Lord including Bannon’s middle initial in his exclamation seems odd unless it’s part of Steve’s Breitbart byline, Caller ID slug or mandatory Satanic salutation…


Sure was convenient that a reporter was right there with him.


Yip Harburg was a Wizard with rhyme…(and a member of the family)


Was Gorka there too? Did Gorka cut in and console his fellow Hitler Youth too?

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It was actually a call from a telemarketer. Lord was just faking to make himself seem important.


Lord to become new White House Communications Director in 3… 2… 1…


He’s got that vampire look Trump favors…

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He looks like a vampire who was partially melted in sunlight


Lord wouldn’t provide details on what the two spoke about.

“Jeff? Hi, how’s it hangin’?”

“Not great.”

“Hey, sorry to hear about your gig at CNN. I may be able to fix you up with something at Breitbart. What I say still goes there.”

“Great. Thanks.”

“Okay. Keep the faith. Sieg heil, bro.”

“Seig heil.”


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Maybe “Bottom Line With Boris” on Sinclair stations may soon have some competition… maybe “Light Thoughts with Lord”…


“Bannon Calls Jeffrey Lord After CNN Firing Over Nazi Salute Tweet.”

it was an intimate conversation, just one Nazi to another.

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That is a VERY disturbing image…


I heard Lord on Breitbart Radio this morning and clearly the main thing Republicans have to offer besides lies, deceit, and hypocrisy is victimhood. Shame on CNN for employing this troubled liar for this long. CNN has done some great work lately, but they still enable a lot of liars and give credence to those who should be told to their face as a matter of fact, not opinion, that they are not correct and need to clear up what they just said. For example, when a Republican Congress person says everyone knows that Obamacare is imploding they should be stopped and told that to the extent that that is true, it is because Republican lawmakers have actively tried to damage it. CNN, lose the liars.


Roger Stone is still around to be kicked to the curb.

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