Discussion: Babies, Young Children Taken From Parents And Put In 'Tender Age' Shelters

The Nazis had all kinds of euphemisms for their treachery, too.
“Work camps”, anyone?


I’m from the government.

Relax. I’m not here to “help” you.

I’m here to help your kid.

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Secret Baby Jails

new garage band name.

and then there’s this nugget for that crapweasel lewandowski:


For those who still want to argue with supporters about this being an Obama policy and why was no one complaining about it then:

Besides the fact that they’re wrong, ask them: if this is an Obama policy, don’t you think Trump would be working diligently to reverse it, like he has everything else Obama has done?


Maddow spoke for me last night
The toughest gal on TeeVee was so visibly moved by the sheer inhumanity she could not continue
A Cronkite moment



This should be criminal. But it isn’t.

And nobody will be prosecuted because, in the land of the free and home of the brave, the Federal government can kidnap and abuse children with impunity.

Now please stand for the national anthem. Or else.


My niece turns 4 months this week. She is a tiny little red head who hates strollers and car seats, thinks it’s funny when the dog licks her feet and likes my fishy faces.

I think of babies Maeve’s age and my heart shatters into a million pieces. They need their families. Who else will know to make fishy faces for them? I can’t stop crying.


Save the fetus! Fuck the child. That really does sum these people up.


So depraved and evil is this policy. They really are shipping these children all over the country without a plan to reunify them with their parents. The link is to the Michigan Dept. of Civil Rights.


So, just in theory, if someone were pregnant and arrested after crossing the border, under the current set of rules they would force her to give birth and then take the newborn away.