Yeah, a worthless law that does nothing that current law doesn’t already do.
GOP morons proving they have no concept of good governance.
Yeah, a worthless law that does nothing that current law doesn’t already do.
GOP morons proving they have no concept of good governance.
The video proves that there is no sales or trafficking of any tissues from abortions.
Now, there is a question: who to the RWAC’s think is buying all this tissue?
They only solve problems that don’t exist. Apparently, that is the way of the jeebus.
Ducey’s ban came in response to an anti-abortion video that surfaced last week that purported to show a Planned Parenthood official discussing how abortion clinics profited off of providing fetal tissue from abortions to scientific researchers. Planned Parenthood, while acknowledging its affiliates do participate in tissue donation programs, has denied the allegations that fetal tissue is being sold for profit, which is already against the law.
Guess the Gov’s comprehension levels are somewhat lacking, yes…?
Sharia law, too!!!
You’re thinking a sinkhole…
One day it will occur to people in various sensitive industries to be more circumspect in their speech and more leery of those they talk to.
You would have thought that after the demise of Acorn, this lesson would have been learned. If people come to you asking your somewhat controversial institution to do something patently illegal, don’t humor them, don’t simply say no, call the police – and look for the hidden camera marked “If found, please return to the RNC”.
Will he also ban ALL organ donations ?
Or organ donations. I wonder if he opposes the check off on the back of the drivers license or Phil Lesh’s speech at Dead concerts.
Maybe the honorable Joseph M. “Joe” Arpaio, sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona should lead the enforcement of the ‘already illegal’ sale of fetal tissue.
Reword the PP agreement with recipients of fetal tissue so that there is no ‘payment’ involved… only a donation to PP from the recipient. But first have all PP clients sign a release form allowing the ‘donation’ of fetal tissue to research clinics.
I don’t believe blood is legal to sell. Even if it is, the Red Cross ensures a regular supply of blood available at cost plus expenses.
Plasma on the other hand is used in thousands of commercial products.
When whole blood reaches its expiration date it is centrifuged to separate the blood cells from the plasma. The red cells are discarded and the plasma is sold to pharmaceutical companies.
What your now advocating for Soylent Green policies…
Creeping Duceyism.
Criticize him tho you may, AZ’s I Scream el Ducey has done a pretty mainstream Republican thing here.
Among the most characteristic markers of MSM Republicanism these days are that the action has to be:
I reckon el Ducey can check off all 10 of those. Kabong!
… but the organization said that video was heavily edited…
This isn’t a he said/she said situation. The video was heavily edited full stop. It isn’t simply something PP is claiming as a defense. It is the actual reality of the situation and any reporting on the situation should reflect that, not this measly mouthed “opinions differ on the shape of the earth” bull shit.
Which is exactly what Planed Parenthood was doing with the fetal tissue they collected, providing it at cost plus expense to researchers.
So. Let em keep their Jesus, we’ll keep our science. See who lasts longer.