Discussion: AZ GOP Senate Hopeful At Gun Control Forum Talks About Shooting His Mother

Now a sane person would say that two deaths and his incarceration could have been avoided if his mother wasn’t armed.


Bobby Wilson is a proud Republican and Republican voters are proud of Bobby Wilson. He represents everything that is notable about the Republican party and will make an outstanding Republican candidate.

Oh! :joy:

No. :cry:

Damn! :rage:

I had a moment there. :sob:


I am getting depressed today. In my little burg, driving down main street, all I see are signs pimping for Conservative Republicans, Extremely Conservative Republicans, and Severely Conservative Republicans.
And I am law-abiding, and therefore can’t add little tags that say “Convicted Criminal” to Joe Arapaho’s stuff. (Or “Crazy Loon” to Chemtrails Kelli’s banners.)

Works for Donnycakes.

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You know how you tell a Good Guy With A Gun?

You don’t tell them, they tell you.

Totally agree on that point.

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Must be. Here in Central Texas it’s currently 104 with 78% humidity. And as everybody knows, we have no crazies here in Texas!

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I can’t think of a more apt metaphor for the current state of the GOP: a matricidal arsonist with amnesia.


How about a narcissistic pathological fabulist?

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SHHHHH!! I won’t tell…

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Entirely to the point as well.

But it’s a dry crazy.

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The only thing to stop a bad mom with a gun, is an amnesiac son with a gun.

She wouldn’t have been able to use a gun in that situation anyway. Plus, what if he had had one?

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I paid for prime and use an adblocker too. Sorry Josh.

The very latest article often doesn’t have comments for awhile. But the other problem, the 504 bad gateway one, has been really bad at times lately but those seem to come in spats. Could be they are working on something on the backend - seems like this has happened before shortly before the comment section was upgraded. But usually is when there is a flood of comments coming in for some reason.

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They are crazy even when they’ve had no alcohol.

Was referring to the lack of humidity, but yeah.

Agreed, but never underestimate a wingnut’s power to think magically. For all I know, she may believe that by having a gun today, she could have used it to defend herself back then. That’s actually not much more outlandish then their confident insistence that their gun will always win the day when someone else with their own gun has the same chances.

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It’s like she’s never watched those movies where the good guy is hiding in the shadows while the goon is creeping about, searching for him, handgun drawn, peering side to side because he knows someone’s out there. A bird chirps, or a twig snaps, or a pebble is thrown; we hear a sharp intake of breath as the good guy leaps out and grabs the gunman by the arm with one hand and by the trigger finger with the other. Perhaps a shot is fired (never hitting that innocent bystander just coming out of the toilet); perhaps a struggle ensues. But the bad guy with the gun, taken off guard, no longer has the gun. The hero exhales heavily, and standing over him, regains his composure enough to say: Now I’ve got ya!

Except in this case she’s the nutball using her handgun like a flashlight as she makes her way from car to rest stop and the wannabe rapist is the one who ambushes and disarms her nevertheless.

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