Discussion: AZ GOP Senate Hopeful At Gun Control Forum Talks About Shooting His Mother

Again, can’t spell crAZy without AZ.
Must be the dry heat.


You aren’t the only one encountering these issues - and they are frequent. The inability to comment or reply to someone negates much of the reason we value participation here. I was a Prime member for a short time but decided to financially support another site instead of this one (also because I got a prompt but very dismissive reply when I made my views known to TPM) That being said, the commenters here are exceptional.


I don’t doubt a situation could arise where one could be faced with the horrifying choice of using lethal force in self defense towards a parent BUT the gleefulness with which he speaks of getting booed at going to a Moms Demand event and the brief outline of the events of his past certainly point to the possibility this dude killed his mother and sister and then burned the house down to destroy the evidence. Not saying that happened but we are seeing a lot of sociopaths running for office inspired by trump.


We won’t get into what he did to the apple pie . . .

Incumbent Dalessandro won reelection in 2016 by 18 percentage points, so I’m hoping the non-zero probability isn’t too substantial.

I grew up in Arizona, and my parents are still there, helping to elect the crazies, so I won’t argue. Here’s a piece on some legislation that passed the state senate in early 2017. Fortunately, the House actually had enough sense to let it drop without consideration. The GOP senate believed that the danger posed by something that doesn’t exist (people who are paid to plan and participate in violent protests) justified punitive measures prohibited by something that does exist (the First Amendment) :

Claiming people are being paid to riot, Republican state senators voted Wednesday to give police new power to arrest anyone who is involved in a peaceful demonstration that may turn bad — even before anything actually happened.

SB1142 expands the state’s racketeering laws, now aimed at organized crime, to also include rioting. And it redefines what constitutes rioting to include actions that result in damage to the property of others.

But the real heart of the legislation is what Democrats say is the guilt by association — and giving the government the right to criminally prosecute and seize the assets of everyone who planned a protest and everyone who participated. And what’s worse, said Sen. Steve Farley, D-Tucson, is that the person who may have broken a window, triggering the claim there was a riot, might actually not be a member of the group but someone from the other side.

Wouldn’t Trumpp love to have that power at the Federal level.

As horrified as I was at the abuse of power the bill represented, and the boneheaded false beliefs used to justify it, I had to laugh when I read this:

Sen. Sylvia Allen, R-Snowflake, said the new criminal laws are necessary.


Sate you trying to access comments directly from the article? I can’t do that.

My work around is to go to Hive and pick either latest for poster initiated discussions or TPM articles. This gets you directly to the discussions but you can toggle back to the article from the top.

Now a sane person would say that two deaths and his incarceration could have been avoided if his mother wasn’t armed.


Bobby Wilson is a proud Republican and Republican voters are proud of Bobby Wilson. He represents everything that is notable about the Republican party and will make an outstanding Republican candidate.

Oh! :joy:

No. :cry:

Damn! :rage:

I had a moment there. :sob:


I am getting depressed today. In my little burg, driving down main street, all I see are signs pimping for Conservative Republicans, Extremely Conservative Republicans, and Severely Conservative Republicans.
And I am law-abiding, and therefore can’t add little tags that say “Convicted Criminal” to Joe Arapaho’s stuff. (Or “Crazy Loon” to Chemtrails Kelli’s banners.)

Works for Donnycakes.

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You know how you tell a Good Guy With A Gun?

You don’t tell them, they tell you.

Totally agree on that point.

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Must be. Here in Central Texas it’s currently 104 with 78% humidity. And as everybody knows, we have no crazies here in Texas!

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I can’t think of a more apt metaphor for the current state of the GOP: a matricidal arsonist with amnesia.


How about a narcissistic pathological fabulist?

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SHHHHH!! I won’t tell…

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Entirely to the point as well.

But it’s a dry crazy.

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The only thing to stop a bad mom with a gun, is an amnesiac son with a gun.

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