Discussion: AZ GOP Appears To Back Off Attempt To Rig Rules For McCain's Senate Seat

Can McCain pick someone to replace him and then resign? Seem like that is what he ought to do if he can. I guess in his mind he does something useful being there but to the rest of us on the left, it’s just utter BS.

Why are the R’s always trying to sneak things for their benefit only into legislation?

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I wonder where they got that idea?

Not REALLY involved? Just a LITTLE involved, then.

Okay, sure. That’s fine. We believe you.


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Well, they get away with stuff sometimes, to be sure. But it’s a lot harder than it used to be with the intertubes and social media, which is also sort of my point.

When Democrats come to power in many state governments and legislatures this Fall, I expect them to start to play just as dirty as Republicans do to edify their power. It’s time to Dems to stop playing their lily-livered bipartisanship footsy in the face of Republican aggression.

I don’t think he can do that.

Even if he could I don’t think he would, McCain seems to cling to thinking the things he’s done and still does matter.

Farley said he wasn’t sure who was behind the efforts,

“Not me! Not me!” said the Three Little Pigs. “It must have been the Blue Fairy!”

Hardball, yes. Cheating, no.

Best thing to do would be for every Dem-controlled statehouse to introduce legislation immediately giving redistricting powers to a nonpartisan (or bipartisan) commission. Worked well in CA. That, and/or get it on the ballot, depending on circumstances.