Discussion: AZ GOP Appears To Back Off Attempt To Rig Rules For McCain's Senate Seat


"The crisis is probably over,”

Until the first bad poll results for the GOP’s white nationalist candidate(s).


This is defying the laws of physics. The GOP is not able to avoid rigging anything. Worlds are colliding…


GOP again proving that cheating is their redoubt when the chips are looking grim. And then they think that they can somehow get away with it. :angry:

Farley said he wasn’t sure who was behind the efforts,
 but speculated Ducey’s office may have had a hand in it. 

No sooner had the fisting started …
The GOP were forced to pull out —

Fuck em’ interuptus —


“Biblical proportions. Old Testament, real wrath of G-d, type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes, dead rising from the grave! HUMAN SACRIFICE, DOGS AND CATS LIVING TOGETHER, MASS HYSTERIA!!!”


Fucking Republicans. Can’t win fairly, so they cheat. It’s time to put an end to the Republican party, once and for all.


Frog-march them out, no cigarettes, no blindfolds, and to top it off, the entire firing squad is comprised of POC, fully equipped with bump-stocks…


As an Arizonan, all I can be sure of is that the GOP will be represented by a miscreant in November. Martha McSally is NOT a moderate. She’s a manipulative troll that would sell her soul for a Trumpanzee vote. Oddly enough, she’d be more at risk of losing in my district than statewide. Rural Arizona is a hotbed of stupid.


Republicans may disagree with each other on a lot of issues but they are completely united on the idea that voters are to be feared.


Do they even CARE anymore that we all know what a bunch of crooks they are? That they can’t win an election unless they screw the voters?


Did McCain break his leg? Is that a cast on him?

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As an Arizonan myself I can be sure of is that the roads will still be “failed” this time next year. I can be sure that in the middle of fire season and a drought in the desert there will be fireworks for sale at the local Fry’s. I can also be sure that I’ll see at least 10 fat balding guys with goatees and leather vests on their hogs passing me on the 10. How will I know they’re bald? They won’t be wearing helmets cuz they don’t have to. I can also be sure that in a land where weather is more a suggestion than a thing each network will have a team of 4 or 5 weather people checking in from different parts of the city wondering if anyone saw rain or dust and telling us with all the drama of a high school production of King Lear that monsoon is upon us and advising us as to how we must “prepare.” I do enjoy the sign for the interstate that says Phoenix/Los Angeles and realizing that all I’d have to do is make a left and drive til I reach the Pacific.

But I’m also reasonably sure that there IS a silent majority out there and they will roar come November and the pigs will be swept to the curb and the largest upset in American history. And then we can watch what’s left of the GOP take out their wrath on Hair Fuhrer von McTraitor Tot like a pack of rabid piranhas on a side of beef.

And we get to watch.


Farley said he wasn’t sure who was behind the efforts, but speculated Ducey’s office may have had a hand.

Ducey adviser Daniel Scarpinato denied that charge.

“We haven’t really been involved with this,” he said.

"The crafting of the legislation and its insertion in the bill was entirely of our making, and done at our behest. Our only regret is in getting caught."


Elections? We don’t need no stinkin’ elections.

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Very little surprises me any more about the schemes and extreme ideas that the Phoenix based Republicans find to put forward. I’m happy to live in “baja Arizona” (i.e. Tucson) where there are some reasonable voices representing me, with the glimmer of hope that within a few years, maybe, just maybe, Arizona will be turning purple.

On a somewhat related note, I posted a longer response to another item here on TPM (that didn’t get many reads), about Governor Ducey’s proposed raises for teachers. They offer came quickly and sounded pretty good at first but leaves a lot to be desired. There are definite concerns, specially with respect to sources of money for the raises, the certainty (or uncertainty) that the legislature will stick to the proposal and the lack of increases for classroom funding.

That McSally sits in Gabbie Gifford’s seat is one of the tragedies of Arizona politics. I would also remind you that the most populace county, Maricopa, is also a hotbed of stupid. Lots of ignorant white trash in all socioeconomic groups.

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McSally is the most ‘normal’ person running and I remember when DJT made his ‘sh*thole’ country remarks SHE said, OH I am military and I hear ‘salty language’ all the time. Both Flake and McCain said they trusted Lindsay Graham in this. So McSally is just another bottom-feeder imo.

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She thought the ‘salty comments’ regarding ‘sh*thole’ countries were not worth discussing. Cotton has a lot to answer for, coming up with a formulation in which nobody would discuss what the President actually said.

Is that the infection they just performed surgery on?