Discussion: Axios: Schiff's Office Receiving Calls And Death Threats Over Nunes Memo

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And a simple, false, critical tweet from Trump could be considered by some of his supporters to be the go-ahead to act on their anti-American impulses to help their dear leader.


I keeping hoping for a “have you no decency, sir?” moment.

I am beginning to fear it will never come. At least not while this Maladministration and its Gooper cheerleaders are in power.

There are many days when I think to myself. “It’s the end of the world as we know it…”


A sign that he’s doing the right thing.


Can you imagine working for prez Full Diaper, never knowing from day to day what will set him off? The ass-kissing, toadying, back strabbing, jostling for position and power. Legislating? “Uh…WHAT?!”

Run for office- the 2018 elections are 10 months away! And if Trump and Louie Gohmert and Steve King can get elected what’s to stop a qualified candidate?

Become a Precinct Committee Officer, sometimes it’s a Ward officer. You’ll meet with neighborhood Dems and get out the vote. Find good citizens willing to run for office.

Register people to vote. If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led Voter run-around help them do that.

Run for School Board. Make sure Civics is being properly taught. Think a majority of America knows how government works? Just 26% of eligible voters in America voted for Trump and half of eligible voters stayed home last November. Today’s 12-year olds will be voting for President in 8 years.

Run for Mayor, City Council, County Commissioner, Borough Assembly.

Get appointed to your Planning Commission. Know everything going on in your community.

Run for State Legislature or Congress. The next census is in 2020, just a year and a half from now, when we redraw Congressional Districts. And Trump is ALREADY trying to rig the census!

And get rid of GERRYMANDERING! Safe GOP seats gave us such intellectual giants as Louie Gohmert and Steve King. In most cases it’s the state Legislature that draws Congressional boundaries. Make it FAIR, OPEN and HONEST! We can do this!

Overturn Citizens United. Money is NOT speech and Corporations are NOT people- at least not until Texas executes one, and overturn any voter ID laws that are clearly an attempt to disenfranchise the poor and people of color.

“Those who would purposely mislead or seek to confuse others are bad people. Worse, they are evil.”
-Kathleen Parker

You Got To Run!


In today’s environment, its a moot point to ask, we already know the answer.

What’s puzzling me, is the sheer number of GOPers who are willing to fall on their swords for Trump.

This isn’t going to end well for Nunes, or countless other House Rs, or even Ryan. There is a blazing fire of a wave coming at them this fall, and these idiots keep spraying it down with gasoline hoses.


I bet he hasn’t even sent them a cease and desist notice.


@paulw I bet he hasn’t even sent them a cease and desist notice.

I would love to have a cease and desist letter from Schiff; but only if his signature was verified as by his hand, because one day that autograph will be worth something.


This is why Trump is all Second Amendmenty. His followers can’t win with words alone.


I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Dear Congresswomen (and men):

You took that oath when you started in office. It strikes me that it may be time for you look at the promise you made. You swore to support and defend the Constitution, not any person. An oath to a particular person looks like this one:

I swear: I will be faithful and obedient to the leader of the German Empire and people, Adolf Hitler, to observe the law, and to conscientiously fulfill my official duties, so help me God.

See the difference there? (By the way, that was the German Civil Service Oath under Hitler.) It’s the exact parallel to the oath you would have taken if you had sworn true faith and allegiance to Donald Trump, or to the Presidency. Your allegiance is supposed to be to the Constitution. I’d hope you take your oaths seriously – like Congressman Schiff does.


I don’t know why you’re puzzled.

The reason for the GOP’s complete embrace of Trump is no secret.
They want power—more than they have now—so they can force their wildly unpopular agenda on an America that wants no part of it.

It’s about party over country—again and again—because Republicans these days are only one brown-shirted uniform away from being a full-fledged fascist front group.

Any time you are puzzled by Republican behavior, it will come down to their insatiable lust for power and their reckless disregard for the US Constitution, which they revile.


The calls are coming from inside the White House.

What’s puzzling me, is the sheer number of GOPers who are willing to fall on their swords for Trump.

Another thing: the GOP has no incentive to fear the public at all. They’re not afraid of any of you. If there were sustained protests, like Occupy Wall Street, that would be cause for concern. The longer those went on, the more people on Wall Street and their Congressional employees got worried.

But this time, there’s not much going on. Oh sure, there’s the now annual Women’s March, but seriously, what’s to be worried about that? One weekend in January. Then everyone goes home. I suspect that if the civil rights protests took the same comfortable path, we’d be nowhere.

The Republican Party, frankly, has zero reason to worry about the public. Threats of an electoral blue wave are just that: threats. And right now, pretty empty ones since that’s under 10 months away. Okay, you seem to have lots of GOPers deciding to retire, but why would you trust that? Like you trusted Marco Rubio, when he claimed he wouldn’t run for the Senate again?

Let’s face it: Americans are not willing to make themselves uncomfortable enough to make your power brokers start to sweat. If I was a GOPer, this is precisely the reality that I would work around. Instead of, “Let them eat cake,” I would blithely reply, “Let them binge Netflix.” And that’s what you’ll do.

You’re already at a constitutional crisis. You already have a criminal administration and a party willing to cover it all up. You folks impeached Bill Clinton for far less with far less. But you still, you persist…on staying home.


Perhaps Congressman Scalise should make a public statement denouncing such violence. But then again…


Of course he’s getting threats, it’s because he threatens conservative ideology. The thing to remember is that the GOP are scared rats, not lions. Put effort in and they will crumble


We have obviously seen some liberals that want to hurt folks like the guy that shot the Republican softball team, but goddamn the huge majority of hate mongers are conserative and not just in the US or the Christian religion.


Fine. Hunt them down and hang them up. Make them take responsibility for their actions…they are always whining that nobody ELSE does. Show them how it ‘works’…

" received crude phone calls and death threats "

Well, that is the face of the Trump supporter. This is what floats the orange one’s boat.



I think it’s more mundane than that. They’re doing it for the money. The oceans of cash flooding our political process now dominate everything. Putin is reputedly the richest man in the world, and his oligarchs are buying everything, including our government. Our oligarchs are buying everything the Russians haven’t bought yet.

I’m guessing that most Republicans are only dimly aware of the Constitution and probably feel it’s irrelevant. Sure, they want power, but it only comes with money. Plutocracy is our new form of government.


Please correct the your reporting on Pelosi, she is not speaker nor did order Democrats not to read the memo according to your link to Cnn.

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