Discussion: Avishai: How The Search For Narrative In Journalism Helps Donald Trump

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Otto, scrupulously details the similarly disastrous role that our balance obsessesed media and press corps have played in the war on science.



Good article. I wonder if it is just ratings that propels the media ever more toward Trump. Are they all falling for the fascist? I wonder.

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I’m not sure the title was actually covered in the article, but good perspective. However, that “1923” for Jefferson to Lafayette? Really???

I’m guessing it was intended to be “1814,” three off-by-one keystroke errors in a row.

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Apparently he couldn’t get tix to “Hamilton” :wink: (nor could I)

For example, the war on religon is complete bullshit, but it’s treated like a thing.


Trump set out to dominate the media. Positive or negative makes no difference to him as long as he gets air time. The media is quility of incompetence and laziness in allowing him to use them.

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There’s a failure of education for those going freshly into journalism. It should be a requirement that they have an advanced degree in something other than “communications” – and preferably something other than “English” if their school’s English department favored “post-” anythingism.

Yeah, the reporters who came of age during WWII were often not even college grads – but the best high schools were much better then.

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Who put the title on that essay? It is a great essay, with an important critique of our political journalism. But that critique has absolutely nothing to do with “narrative.”

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A lot of the writing and commentary on Trump has been way too narrative driven. Too many folks trying to show-off with some kind of flashy theory, too much bloviating and pontificating on things that don’t matter. Too little concentration on pertinent facts that the public needed to know and digest. Too many people afraid to invoke Godwin’s and the derision of their peers. A media circus in the real sense of the word. The media’s collective ego and showmanship has absolutely benefited Trump.

Journalism has adopted the language and analytical techniques of business. Perhaps it reflects mere economics: the traditional “business model” of newspapers has been shot in the gut by the internet, forcing fine-grained micro-segmentation of everything in a search for clicks and taps. Perhaps it reflect the dominance of business ethics infiltrating every part of life. Who wants to be a billionaire? Apparently, everyone except Amy Goodman.