Avenatti Leaks Emails
What he did do was certainly noteworthy.
Interesting that a lot of these seem to be email on phone after reading how insecure phones are the other day.
Rupert Murdoch’s WSJ sat on a negative story about Spanky?
I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you!
P.S. Given all the leaked emails of late, that private server in Hill’s basement isn’t lookin’ so silly right now, is it?
Self-censorship? As I’ve said many times, corporate owned news outlets are not charitable organizations. Their first responsibilities are to owners and stockholders. I’m not being judgemental, this is is just how it its. Skepticism is more useful than cynicism.
Yes indeed. “Leaks emails” is very misleading and could have been written by Huckerbee Sanders herself.
Avenatti openly disclosed correspondence that was in his possession on a matter of very real public interest. The WSJ can hardly object.
Govern yourself accordingly. Didn’t Michael Cohen use the same exact phrase with another journalist? It must be a fixer/tough guy/lawyer thing.
Not a surprise that WSJ would bury it: the larger question here is why is Davidson not under investigation? He’s a serial liar an appears to have been colluding with Cohen, to the disadvantage of his ersatz clients
Already working with SDNY?
Professional and Credible Journalism, We Hardly Knew Ye!
The WSJ, Fox News, Breitbart, and TMZ all closed ranks around Trump. Not to mention Facebook and Twitter via the Russians, Israelis, KSA, and the Emirates. At this point, I marvel at how well Hillary actually did against this onslaught of real “fake news” and buried news.
Who owns the WSJ?? Hmm. Rupert Murdoch . . .
Still need to hear from WSJ. Stories don’t always spawn instantaneously. An email may be the start of the investigation, not the final step. A lot of people send “tips” to newspapers and they often have self-interested reasons for doing so.
its also pretty interesting that the immediately ran with the McDougal story (which was being spiked on purpose at the time), but ignored the Daniels story.
The WSJ isn’t going to like where this particular episode is heading…
Nonsense. The WSJ already responded, its in the article. That particular argument falls flat on its face because they did go with the McDougal story instead.
Big media like the WSJ and NYT is another tool of the oligarchy that currently rules the United States of America.
KD is “co-operating with OSC” in Mueller investigation, i believe.
Wonder if Murdoch mierde wants to really go to war with Mr. Avenatti.
Oh, did i say mierde?
Really meant “media”…yeah, that’s it: Murdoch media.
McDougal got paid by Pecker, while Stormy was paid by Trump (via Cohen). The hands off nature of the McDougal payoff, while not great for Trump when exposed, could be predicted to be less damaging than the Stormy details.
Real journalists would run both stories, of course. Cover-up journalists will engage in limit-the-damage PR of running the one story that is least damaging, to frame it in the best way.
Avenatti has not been clear about his entry on this timeline. When did he obtain KD records?
Since KD was SDaniels original lawyer in this matter i’m Guessing that Avenatti’s had access to these emails since he took over her case, but i can’t actually recall a specific target date. (sorry)