Discussion: At NRA Conference, Trump Bathes Audience In Conservative Shout-Outs

Here in Arizona the legislature in its magnanimity thought it a grand idea to legalize open carry in bars. Guns and alcohol …what could possibly go wrong? This isn’t snark. I am quite serious…it is legal to have a side arm in plain view while sucking down suds.


Shout outs? Didn’t he mean shoot outs?? You know Cop n robbers, cowboys n Indians where nobody gets killed or injured?

Votre français est très bien

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Then why hasn’t he resigned and said “I was just foolin’. I don’t wanna be president! All I wanted was a better deal for hosting The Apprentice”
It would certainly be better fr us all if he split.

I truly believe the NRA is one of the, if not the single most dangerous organization in the United States today. The scope of their power is unbelievable, and they appear unstoppable. All this, despite the fact polls show a majority of the country clearly opposes their agenda.
And now this. This paranoid, sociopathically narcissistic bully is in total power, with his thuggish Republican Party behind him, supported by their braindead, mouth-breathing “base.” This country is going to hell in a handcart.


I guess the same reason he didn’t say “Ok, I wanted to prove I could win the election with better numbers than Obama I won a landslide in the Electoral College like no other Republican ever. I don’t want to be president, I’m done.”

I guess.

Like W said, power is a drug and being president is being powerful.

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DJT did say he had Yuuge inauguration crowds and an eeeenormous number of votes in the electoral college. A landslide even But the "I don’t wanna be president thing…no. But 2 outta 3 ain’t bad. DJT could never quit now. That would be admitting failure and his ego won’t let him have a Nixon moment. If he is still around in 4 years (Damn that seems a long way off) I would not be surprised if he somehow refuses to leave office.
I am still holding out for him to be gone by October 1st. I think the Russia story is gonna blow wide open this summer.


Hah! Still laughing at that one!

It’s got to blow open eventually. I was hoping for sooner than October, but you know what? My birthday is the 2d and that would be one hell of a birthday present. I think I’ll join you in holding out for him to be gone by the 1st.

That would be just about perfect.

The only journalist staying on this story apparently is Rachael Maddow. There’s a ton DJT could be impeached for right now if the GOPers could be convinced to do it for the good of the country. Then again something north of 90% of trump voters are satisfied with what he is doing. That really bothers me. It means I’m surrounded by walking brain dead zombies.

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What’s 90% of 26% of the total voting population? Those are the zombies.

There really aren’t that many of them.

I’m not looking to starve!


Alternate Headline: Trump Touts His Impotence

Yes he went there with Pocahontas. Like a obstinate child who won’t relent. The Orange one has had a beef with Native Americans since his casino empire went down in flames. You can be sure he’s used worse slurs.
As far as Native American policies under this administration are concerned if he is using slurs to describe a group chances are they will be treated with contempt. He probably thinks small pox laden blankets were ingenious.
At least Obama had the yearly tribal summits where a lot of policy items were discussed and was pretty ok on their issues.

I know. Shortly after the Earth cooled, and when ‘government’ was a word you could use in polite society as well as in the company of small children. (I actually lived there as a small child.)

Haven’t been back since 1994, but definitely plan to go see our only official monument to the national treasure that is Julia Child.

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The number of voting age Americans = 235,248,000
90% of 26% = 23.4%
hence the number of “zombies” as I termed them = 55,048.032
That’s a lotta zombies {{{shudder}}}

Look where most of 'em live (red states)

“Obviously, the answer is to get rid of the namby-pamby restriction that they be side-arms. I say long guns, bazookas, dammit, surface to air missiles! And, swear to god, if they use that disco ball to trigger another seizure, there’s gonna be some serious shit goin’ down…I’ve got the best codes, really beautiful codes…do those fries come with nacho cheese?”

(secret service agent speaking into his sleeve: " ‘Drydrunk’ is off the reservation, get Ivanka, STAT!")

Yes that’s too many, but that’s out of a population of 235 million plus. There really are a lot more of us.

And I think a more accurate map would show how we’re sprinkled all over the place. Texas is a red state, but you take it county by county it’s not. It’s very purple.

Hmm…cuz Apprentice got cancelled, the ‘brand’ is tanking, and Putie doesn’t love me anymore? Plus the kids are saying I need to spend more time with clothes on…and #citizens yur all LOSERS!!! SAD!!! I’ve pressed my red butler button 57 times and I still don’t have a Coke…


I don’t know if the inspired “Irony is what conservatives think you do when the washery is done” is on this thread, but irony, mockery, and satire are our weapons. Or, as Dinsdale Piranha used to say when he nailed your head to a board: “Be thankful you’re not dealing with my brother Doug . He uses sarcasm. He knows all the tricks: dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes, and satire”.

“He was a cruel man, but fair.”

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