More of this from reporters, please. You’re not there to take dictation - you’re there to pin their ears back.
Keep dodging, Sarah. It’s not like you have any credibility left anyway.
Sanders continued: “But I can tell you that the President doesn’t think anyone is above the law, and we’re simply stating that there should be cause for concern of a number of things that have happened both in the Department of Justice and the FBI that we would like to see those looked at as well.”
She is saying that FBI and DOJ are investigating and prosecuting with political bias towards the GOP. NOT that Trumpie is complaining about the rule of law. Yah, Sarah, pull the other one.
Sanders continued: “But I can tell you that the President doesn’t think anyone is above the law, but it’s what (soon to be confirmed) Justice Kavanaugh thinks.
Asked About Trump Meddling In GOP Reps’ Criminal Cases, WH Changes Topic
Of course they did, for anyone else at the WH they KNOW that what tRump said is OBSTRUCTION.
They’re not even trying any more. At no point does Trump or his spokesperson ever assert either Hunter or Collins are innocent. Clearly the President is criticizing his own AG for prosecuting members of his own party, while Huckabee Sanders is saying something only marginally less egregious: “Well, you can prosecute guilty Republicans as long as you also prosecute Democrats” – the question of whether the Democrats are guilty or innocent doesn’t arise.
They’re basically saying “We tried translating our limited understanding of other fields into an approach to law and government. We failed miserably, it turns out we had no business trying to do that. For some reason, though, you all are keeping us in power, so really this is all on you – so don’t bother us with your clown questions!”
Au contraire, Trump absolutely believes he is above the law, actually he believes anything is does is legal, period.
Spareus Spamburg — proving the adage “Comedy is not pretty” daily.
So once Kavanaugh is confirmed then Trump will demure to his gentlemanly legalese.
Problem is, that it seems that most of the people in the FBI and the DOJ they want investigated are Republicans too.
When has it ever been LEGAL for the EXTREME libtard DOJ and FBI with their 15 angry DEMOCrats to persecute loyal Conservatives who love our symbol of America, TRUMP???
But I can tell you that the President doesn’t think anyone is above the law
Sure he does. He’s already told us that he thinks Joe Arpaio, Dinesh D’Souza, and Scooter Libby are above the law. He’s probably got a whole bunch more, like Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort, that he thinks are above the law. I’m willing to bet, though, that he doesn’t think Michael Cohen is above the law.
She essentially is telling us that Kavanaugh needs to recluse himself when these cases come before the SCourt on appeal. as the Judge has already given Trump a mulligan. You betcha.
Why did she even bring up Kavanaugh? Sanders just couldn’t help herself in bragging that this White House will obstruct or collude whenever they want within the justice department and courts to protect Donald’s interest and whims. He’s not a king, Sarah. But you sure are acting like his court jester.
“Certainly, the President things that no one is above the law,” Sanders said, before changing the topic.
Copy editor? Bueller, Bueller…
And true to form, every word that come out of Sarah Sander’s mouth is a lie, including “a” and “the” (with apologies to Lillian Hellman.)
“Is the President really trying to suggest — or
outright saying — that the Justice Department shouldn’t be investigating
or prosecuting allies of the President, if it might hurt his party’s
political chances?” ABC News’ Jonathan Karl asked Sanders at a press
briefing Monday?
The short but truthful answer would be “yes”. But Ma Hamhock decided to bullshit.
“Certainly, the President thinks that no one is above the law,” Sanders said
The cumulative lies are just breathtaking. Let’s not normalize this.
Of course, because Richard Nixon said so.
Seems low. I think that there are at least 63 million angry DEMOcrats.