Congratulations. You just solved the world’s greatest mystery: why we speak of religious beliefs instead of religious facts.
Now go read the Bible and observe the way states like Mississippi and Kansas, and countries like El Salvador, are run and see if the level of research that made you an expert on the minds of 1.6 billion Muslims will allow you to achieve the same level of understanding about the 2.2 billion Christians.
Or, you could do a leeetle bit more research and even talk to some real people and see if maybe you are shoving billions of people into a too small box with far, far too few descriptive labels.
We do face a threat from the Islamic world, but it’s economic. Specifically, once fairly secular EU-accession candidate Turkey now has about $500 billion in debt on the line, amidst a 75% devaluation of its currency and serious capital flight. Last month, discussion still focused on hopes of an IMF bailout, but Turkey’s government debt to GDP ratio is only about half that of the US. The creators of the current crisis are mostly in the private sector, so this is a bit different from Turkey’s 2001 banking crisis.
If by establishment you mean supporting equality under the law for everyone, you are right. Muslim countries don’t believe this. So, no, I won’t "tolerate"them.
“…f white evangelical christian bigotry and victimhood are quite prevalent in the military and likewise…”
And these types are clannish. They hire and promote those who share their beliefs. It’s the way it rolls in all organizations. I’ve worked in organizations where Catholics, Jews, Mormons, fundamentalists were the dominant group. If you weren’t one of them, you were going nowhere.
I worked for a Fortune 500 company with maybe 15 (?) branch offices in the NJ/NYC area. The makeup of the office reflected the branch mgr. It was almost comical. The Italian mgr had Italians working for him. Ditto for the WASP mgr, the Jewish mgr. Each had his fair haired boy who was his prodigal son.
Generally newer religions tend to be more intolerant and doctrinaire. There are dumb stupid and horrible teachings in every religions but in the older religions, adherents and clergy have to learnt which ones are really dumb and horribles. The newer religions are more desperate for attention, more ignorant and let some of the horrible hang out.