“If you implement it in the old-fashioned way of ‘Come into
our county office,’ we would have to hire so many people —
and that just doesn’t make sense.”
Soo …
If everyone takes this rational on it’s face value …
Then it’s no wonder people can’t find jobs —
The irony just drips off this shit —
Job creators ? ? …
NOT if there’s a need to help people …
and we get to strip ya of your healthcare as a ’ bonus ’ ! … HA –
Computers should be installed in all the poor houses and debtors’ prisons that need to be built to handle the poor starving unemployed Arkansans who are on the street.
Arkansas is beginning to resemble 19th Century England at the start of the Industrial Revolution.
Let’s give these poor folks a big civics lesson! They will see how their continued GOP voting ruins their lives quickly!
I’d say after a few years of blaming Obama, immigrants, and brown people, a few of them (if they haven’t died!) might just start to see that Democrats have something different to offer…or maybe not!
““The rhetoric in the state capitol has been: ‘We don’t want people just living off the government,’” Leding told TPM. “Lawmakers want to chip away at the program to strengthen their conservative credentials…”
The rhetoric in the state capitol has been: ‘We don’t want blah people just living off the government…Republicans want to chip away at the program to strengthen their white Christian nationalist credentials."
Something just occurred to me: for anyone who is employed and being paid over the table rather than under, it would be a tiny adjustment to payroll software to handle this certification automatically and save poorf workers hours of navigation and uncertainty.
OK, you can stop laughing now.
(Also, I can’t imagine that this requirement has been thoroughly thought through. If I fail to file the right online information and the clock starts ticking to benefits cutoff, and then I file for a month, does that reset the clock, or does it just put a temporary hold on the cutoff time? Or something else entirely? And if I’m cut off and then file work history again, do I automatically get put back on the rolls or do I have to re-apply – in person or online, who knows. Because otherwise I could see someone who works/volunteers 80 hours a month every third month getting uninterrupted benefits while someone who works fulltime for 8 months of the year and then loses their job is SoL.)
My daughter has applied for jobs everywhere there’s a hiring sign. She walks in and gets told to apply online, which she does. Most of the time, she gets zero response, not even a ‘we’ve already filled that position’.
How in God’s name do those bureacrats think that job-seekers will get some kind of documentation saying they’ve applied for jobs?
My handicapped brother, who has Medicaid, has to get quarterly paperwork from his employer for his housing subsidy. It’s like pulling teeth. The low level people supposed to fill out the form have no incentive to remember. Their bosses don’t care. Finding the info is a pain. What is the form certifying? Nothing that his paystub doesn’t show. The paystubs arrive on time, being required by law.
This has a discriminatory effect. The average white person hits 60 with almost $120,000 in net assets. The average black person hits 60 with $1,000 in net assets. That’s a couple trips to the dentist. Arkansas is about 77% white and 16% black. You figure who got screwed here.
One of the biggest concerns with these work requirements is that there are thousands of people who would like to work but cannot afford childcare. Will folks be given a waiver if they cannot afford childcare? They can’t even volunteer unless they can take their children with them.