Discussion for article #223301
What? Babies aren’t bullet proof anymore? They just don’t make them like they used to…
Criminal charges? It was an accident!
“We haven’t ruled out criminal charges?”
Oh how quaint. Yet if I leave my boys in the SUV for one minute with full visual contact while I usher my daughter into preschool, I’m a criminally negligent parent.
Fuck this shit. Here’s a proposal: If you leave a gun where a kid can get it and use it, then we get to use said gun on you.
I suppose there’s a sick fuck-the-NRA joke in here about if there had only been a good toddler with a gun to stop a bad toddler with a gun, but really, this shit is not funny at all. This family is fucked forever. The older sibling’s life is destroyed. He’ll no doubt be rendered a psychological basket case and probably a drag on society. His parents will probably get divorced and totally fall apart. None of them will survive this. They’re all doomed.
But that dead baby is a price Sam the fake plumber is willing to pay, and really, what else matters.
the days seem to alternate between mass killings and babies shooting or getting shot… i feel safer just reading these accounts of death…
I know three families who have lost a child to accidental (read: criminally negligent) gunfire.
None of them have recovered, nor will they. They all shuffle through life in a haze of despair and hopelessness. They’d probably just be better off committing suicide at this point.
This is why there are no firearms allowed in my home, and why there never will be.
Please God, help us to stop this. Please. Please God please.
We live in such a fucked up gun nutter country that your (snark) comment invokes Poe’s Law.
In addition to overturning Citizens United, it sounds like we’re literally going to have to amend the Constitution of the United States in order to affirm our right not to get shot.
Apparently when our rights were “handed down from God” that one got overlooked.
To wit, these tiny-dicked 2nd Amendment absolutists need to be reminded that their precious Amendment grants them the right to bear arms. There is no right to point them at people and use them.
Plain language, fuckers. Original text.
I have to agree.
A semi-auto pistol has a trigger pull anywhere in between 4 and 6 lbs. for the single action and upward to 12-13 lbs. for the double action. I don’t believe for a second that a 3 years old has that kind of strength or big enough hands to get a gun to shoot. Things might have gone in a way more different way than recounted.
EDIT: How do I know a kid can’t squeeze a trigger on a double action pistol? Because I just took my 11 years old at the shooting range and he could not shoot but for when the gun was cocked, both on a revolver and a semi-auto.
Congratulations and thanks to TPM for continuing to publish these incidents. I wish my hometown paper would, too.
“we haven’t ruled out criminal charges at this point.”
Oh gee, I feel much better.
The powers that be sound undecided whether this shooting was intentional or just negligent. At least they aren’t describing it as accidental, which is a big improvement over the conventional way to report these things.
Perhaps reality, as expressed in scientific studies, doesn’t much care what you do or don’t believe:
“Assessment of a child’s ability to pull a trigger revealed that 25% of three to four year-olds, 70% of five to six year-olds, and 90% of seven to eight year-olds have trigger pull strength of at least 10 pounds. Forty out of 64 handguns require trigger pull strength of only five pounds leading these researchers to conclude that young children are able to fire most commercially available handguns in circulation today.”
Here’s the link: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/515681_2
Make it so.
And these are the “responsible” gun owners folks…
Very sad.
What kind of weapon was used? It only says 'semi-automatic" many of which have 5 to 7 pound pulls. It is also possible to modify the pull “hair trigger” on a weapon. Old heavily used weapons have lighter pulls than when factory new.
What do you know about this weapon?
Ahhh, Libs doesn’t need to know anything about the weapon. All Libs knows is that guns are never, in any way, the cause of a problem ever. In fact, almost every gun-related death, somehow, in his mind, offers proof that guns weren’t the problem. Elliot Rodger was clearly insane, so insanity’s the problem, not guns. And he also used a knife, so again, guns aren’t the problem. And he shot the people in California, which has relatively tough restrictions, so gun control doesn’t work and anyway guns aren’t the problem. Obviously here the problem wasn’t the gun, because Libs says young children can’t manage to make a gun go off, that never happens. Maybe mom murdered her child! Much more plausible. If you’re Libs.