I’m guessing that not being a minority would increase your chances of surviving a stop by quite a bit.
Be white with a red neck, speak fluent Murikan, and have a Drumpf and/or Stars & Bars bumper sticker on your pickup truck?
Rule #1. Do not be black.
Rule #2. Do not be brown.
Rule #3. If you are in violation of Rule #1 or Rule #2…well, good luck.
And officers can take possession of guns, for safety reasons, until the stop is completed.
That won’t spark the invention of booby trapped gun replicas that blow up in cops’ faces. Surely.
It’s a good thing Joe Arpaio is no longer Maricopa county sheriff. “What do you mean we have to ask drivers about firearms?” “We draw first!” “Is that after we ask for their papers?”
And when will the Great State of Arizona’s Public Safety Department create guidelines on how to safely use a public restroom while carrying?
Rule #1 Don’t be Black, Hispanic or any other POC. Rule #2 only Rule #1 counts.
Here’s a thought: Take steps to train police not to shoot people unless their lives are actually in danger. Scaring a cop should not be a capital crime.
I think in a better time in America we would have focused on training the police not to kill innocent people instead of teaching innocent people how not to get killed by the Cops. But if you’re going to take that approach you first should think it out. Telling the police you have a gun in the car is exactly what Mr. Castile did and it got him killed.
Does the manual tell armed drivers not to be black? because not being black is the only thing that would have saved Mr Castile.
So how is this possibly going to work? Police will issue contradictory orders. Hands on steering wheel. Get out license and registration, but keep hands on steering wheel. And whatever you do, don’t get out the license and registration by reaching into anywhere a gun could be, even if orderd to do so. Officers will take custody of weapons without entering the vehicle and without anyone in the vehicle touching the weapon. And then they’ll return it unless there’s a crime like a broken tail light or unexpected lane changes.
It’s come to this. We now need the state to teach us how to avoid being killed by Officer Friendly. Because we are awash in guns and jumpy cops.
Welcome to Trumpys White Supremacist Police State .
Pro tip: Avoid Arizona.
Murder in Arizona went from around 80 in the 1960’s to around 350.
Guns don’t stop crime. Guns cause crime.
I live here, moved from Los Angeles to a small town near the border in 2001 and so many us, more than you might imagine are working towards making it markedly better. Takes time and working with people you don’t necessarily agree with.
I appreciate that you and many others are working to make AZ a better place. For myself and my mixed family I-40 and every stop for gas or food is an opportunity for some armed and dangerous cop who is having a bad day to enforce what passes for law in the AZ Legislature. There is a lot to see in AZ, but it bothers me to have to carry a passport to visit any of the States. Hang in there fellow traveler.
I agree, there is a helluva lot of work to do here; at times it is definitely sickening and dispiriting.
The changing demographics cry out for action to make things more fair and just and to resist the tide of hate, bigotry and mistrust.