Discussion for article #243862
I HAVe to PROdUCE a BIRTH certificate WITH A RAISED SEAL to get a driver’s LICense. WHY IS this DIFferent for OHBummer?
“People are finding out some very incredible things in Arizona, I gotta tell you.”
Thank GOD that someone is STILL looking into this URGENT matter!!! Do we really want to live in a country that does NOT get to BOTTOM of this question?
I guess they will be looking into Hillary’s birth certificate next. I hear it doesn’t say Clinton on the document; what is she trying to pull?
I said a few things, we have something in common—the birth certificate investigation, which is still going on."
Aside from the astounding lack of message discipline, I’m pleased to hear the investigation is “still going on”.
They gave YOU a driver’s license? I’m staying off the road…
is Joe’s lead investigator on this the same one he got to investigate the judge in his contempt trial?
I’ll raise you a raised seal.
Kenya has no cars?
I love this! Trump was trying so hard not to go there last night with Chris Matthews - only to have his good buddy Sheriff Arpaio (who, on one level, must make Trump cringe) resurrect it.
I love it when wing nuts go rogue.
I thought it was settled when Obama admitted that he was born in Kenya and he grew up there together with Trump:
thanks joe for the birther reminder. i’m sure donald appreciates the reminder too. as for the ongoing birther investigation, please let me know when it concludes. i’ve been awaiting the results for i don’t know how long. getting antsy. any results on the cruz birther investigation? (his poppy was cuban).
I’ll raise your raised seal with my trained seal and a five-gallon can of kidney suet.
I just love that it’s being brought back into the debate just as Cruz is really starting to gain ground. It’s one of those impossible arguments that even Republicans know is bullshit. You can’t on one hand claim that Obama wasn’t born here and thus should be removed from the presidency and have his presidency stricken from history, and then argue that Cruz, who absolutely wasn’t born here, should somehow be president. Even trying to make that argument with a straight face reveals one to be a lying hypocrite.
I would like to know how these two “gentlemen” come down on the case of Ted Cruz, native Canadian.
CanADians ARE WHite, LIBtard.
The birthers are split on Cruz. The birth certificate birthers don’t mind him because his birth certificate is supposedly real (since why would he fake a foreign birth). The “two citizen parent” birthers say Cruz is ineligible because his Dad wasn’t a US citizen. It reminds me of Monty Python’s “Life of Brian” with the sandal cult vs the robe cult or the People’s Front of Judea vs the Judean People’s Front.
Hmm… I think you are missing that you are talking about a convservative here: IOKIYAR. Conservatism is all about pointing out whats wrong with others.