Discussion: 'Arizona Republic' Slams Arpaio Pardon: Trump Made It Clear Racism 'Is A Goal'

Yes, I should have been clearer.

Les Moonves is the poster child.


I think you have a point (say hello to Maggie Haberman).

Despite the editorial endorsements, all media made far too much of Hillary’s “emails” and her accessibility, health, voice, looks…anything they could get their hands on, while PP got a free pass (“OMG, he can’t really say/do that!”, pearl clutching).


Is this the same Arizona Republic that endorsed Hillary? Who cares what these dying institutions have to say about anything.

Welcome back from your banning!

Can’t wait till you say something stupid and get banned again. :slight_smile:


If we didn’t know it yet, the orange thing will pardon everyone who’s convicted of anything, he’s probably having an assistant draw up the docs now, needs only fill in the name, the spawn, the Cush, Flynn, everyone. But he can’t pardon himself, that’ll be a special hell reserved for him.


I’d heard something about this the other day. AZ’s not crazy about 45 no matter how much noise certain segments make.

Trump won by about 91,000 votes compared to Romney’s 208,000-vote margin.


Open up a Twitter account, it’s not a big deal, go after Haberman, Thrush, go after the crossword puzzle editor for aiding and abetting trumpp if you want to, but tell them.


They liked the rich white boy fine, but not the grifting white guy from NY who was untested and a racist.



Joe Arpaio is a monster. By pardoning this bigoted creep, Trump no longer leaves any doubt that his approval of concentration camps, torture, and racist profiling firmly establishes the president’s bona fides as a White Supremacist. Moreover, by spitting in the face of the judiciary, the President is undermining the rule of law and laughing at his critics. He should be impeached. He makes Nixon look like a choirboy.


There was an excellent film out last year which touched on this obscure history: the Republic of Jones with Mathew McConaughey. The characters in the story were not in formal regiments, but did get support from the Union, mostly armaments. They believed that slavery was a sin and a crime, and staged a rebellion against the confederacy. Another reason was that the Confederate Army would seize property from civilians for the war, and would leave them destitute. So they formed a guerilla army of both escaped slaves and poor whites and really raised hell down there.


I recall how, back in the 60s and 70s, people liked to worry that Hitler was still alive, somewhere in S. America maybe.

That picture of Joe at the top is pretty much what they imagined 90-year-old Hitler to look like.


He won’t be able to pardon anyone if he is the first one to be criminally convicted and removed from office via impeachment.


From The Washington Post…

The president asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether it would be possible for the government to drop the criminal case against Arpaio, but was advised that would be inappropriate, according to three people with knowledge of the conversation.

After talking with Sessions, Trump decided to let the case go to trial, and if Arpaio was convicted, he could grant clemency.

So the president waited, all the while planning to issue a pardon if Arpaio was found in contempt of court for defying a federal judge’s order to stop detaining people merely because he suspected them of being undocumented immigrants. Trump was, in the words of one associate, “gung-ho about it.”

“We knew the president wanted to do this for some time now and had worked to prepare for whenever the moment may come,” said one White House official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the action.

Responding to questions about Trump’s conversation with Sessions, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, “It’s only natural the president would have a discussion with administration lawyers about legal matters. This case would be no different.”

The Justice Department declined to comment.

In other news, Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced the president would seek to change the name of the Department of Justice to "The Department Of Doing Favors For Presidential Friends."



Is it the Arizona Republic that’s dying as an institution?

Or could it be your brain that atrophied, shrunk up and done died? :confused:

The Shadow knows.

Last troll standing…


imdb: Free State of Jones.


I think we have a new Shitburner…


Will Trump erect a statue of Sheriff Joe?


Interior Secretary, Ryan Zinke’s daughter, a Navy Veteran, called Trumpler a “never-served piece of shit” over the transgender ban.

Harsh, but fair.


If anyone has any lingering doubts about trump and his fractured understanding of our legal system and why there’s a divide between the Dept. of Justice and the Executive branch…

The person holding our highest office seems to think laws are mutable things to be applies situationally. If one is black or brown it is a different scale than if one is white. Or rich, or a friend. Equal justice before the law doesn’t apply to trump or his family or friends as far as he can tell.


Too honorable sounding. Let’s try again.
“Behavior that the President believes is upholding his cause honoring the heritage’ of people who believe in white supremacy.” Call it out for what it is. Trump is a WHITE SUPREMIST. He is beloved by white supremists for honoring all causes which support white supremacy.


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