I am pretty sure this is his plan for his Phoenix rally. Because with Trump, there is no bad situation that he can’t find a way to make worse.
Pardoning Arpaio on the heels of the Charlottesville blow ups is just too tempting for him NOT to do it.
Has any previous president ever pardoned someone on stage at a rally? I guess it’s modern presidential.
Sorry, but if Donnie knows the Dem’s are against it, it’s a done deal.
That’s the first thing that popped into my head too. Might be better to ask for the opposite as a form of reverse psychology because if the Dems are for something, Dumpster Donnie is against it. They have a better chance of influencing him in that manner.
If it’s attention he craves, he could posthumously pardon Timothy McVeigh.
I cant think of a single thing anyone could do to more guarantee a pardon of this cretin than these Democrats asking Trump not too. I get the gesture, but they need to understand they are dealing with a petulant child. He tweets steam of consciousness nonsense daily usually never acting or coming back to anything again. See, i.e. the transgender ban.
It’s very important in life to know when to speak and when to shut up.
Don’t you think some of them want Trump to pardon Arpaio and turn him into an albatross?
Oh God, I hope not. Trump doesn’t have a bigger fan in Arizona than Arpaio and everyone knows it. How has has that worked out so far for Democrats?
If that is the level of sophistication of Arizona Democrats we’re doomed.