Discussion: Are We One Step Closer To SCOTUS Showdown Over Obama's Executive Power?

Discussion for article #245851

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This is about the right wing notion that it’s the job of government to make sure that corporations maximize their profits.


Sensing they will never win a WH election ever again, the GOP will just change the job description.


Tell me again about “activist judges”.


What’s surprising about this? That the 5 Republican Justices are now openly flaunting their absolute lack of any Judicial decorum and even the smallest smidgen of plausible deniability that they are partisan to the extreme?

And only a few days after the ringleader Roberts had criticized all of the regular folk for being incorrect that Politics ruled in the Supreme Court.


Nothing the Roberts Court does is surprising anymore, but disgraceful, yes!


The Roberts Court will be long remembered for destroying our democracy with Citizens United and now the entire planet also. A record to be proud of.


Well…Quelle Surprise! This Corporate Whore activist CON SCOTUS only has a limited time to try and do any damage it can to this President…who’s just sooooo’ …what’s the Republican Con & Bagger approved word?? Oh yes…UPPITY.


The article mentions that it is suprising that the SCOTUS jumped ahead of the apeals court. Now I cant remember exactly which case it was, but didnt they do that with another politically hot topic recently?

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This. Roberts spend his entire career singing paeans of praise to the wonders of executive power until [the black guy who voted against him as a senator because he saw right through his humility routine] became president1 it became clear to him that Republicans were only going to be able to win midterms for a generation or more.


Disgusting-- the worst SCOTUS in our history.


Well, Roberts has been well-known to be concerned about his legacy.

And there are really only 2 ways to get in the history books for a Supreme Court Justice.

Either you can preside over something that moves society forward, like Brown v. Board of Education.

Or you can choose the other route and make Plessy v. Ferguson and other extreme decisions look mild in comparison to your nakedly political takeover of the country and upending of every Check and Balance designed by the Founders.

Clearly, Roberts has decided to go the latter route.


The real Bush legacy.


But the eagerness of the court to intervene in the implementation of the Clean Power Plan also plays into a larger narrative of a conservative Supreme Court…

Or is it that the Cons on the SC believe that a Dem will be in charge come next January and with that there goes there chances of survival…


If you want to understand the RATS in the Roberts Supreme Court, just follow the money and the interests of corporations and corporate kleptocrats on the fringes of the conservative movement. The RATS are ready to hear cases for and deliver decisions that brown nose these folk on a moments notice.

Roberts and his fellow RATS’ goal is to fundamentally remake the United State Constitution to destroy individual rights, voting rights and American democracy in favor of a corporate kleptocracy.


The action by the “conservative” majority–a number of whom inveigh regularly against “judicial activism”–shows why it is absolutely necessary to elect a Democrat in November. The country cannot afford to have a Republican nominate the next justices to the court. (At least one appointment is almost certain between 2017 and 2021, and the number could well be three, or even four.)


And people calling themselves Democrats are talking about boycotting the 2016 election.



The DOD (and other similar agencies) are responsible for National Security. Because of a multitude of factors I will not go into (not having inclination to write a 40 paragraph post), this is now a National Security issue. If these agencies have any connection with reality, they will have to act on this.


Given this horrible SCOTUS reality, the idea floated by anyone of boycotting any Democratic Presidential nominee because of a snit that one’s own candidate is not Nominated is nearly equal to signing on to select two or three more such Reactionary SCOTUS justices.


The liberals showed their opposition by simply dissenting. Neither faction said a word on reasons, for or against. The implication very well is nothing special was going on, just a different of opinion between liberals and conservative justices. This is unfortunate. Why couldn’t the liberals dissent to explain why this was not business as usual in the courts?

It’s not surprising at all in scalia’s court…

And, should never have life time appointments! EVER!

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