I wonder if the daughter is Huckabee’s? If so she dodged an ugly stick that sure beat the hell out of his sons.
They have no idea what the “real world” is.
Or the Apple Stores. Apple’s jobs site indicates there are at least 5 Apple stores in AR.
There must be a better way to phrase that…
On second thought, maybe not.
We’ll always have Ireland, darling.
It’s not smart to piss off the world’s richest company, especially when its
CEO is openly gay. Tread lightly, gov! Apple could buy your raggedy-ass
state – from petty cash – and donate it to a carnival freak show.
I had no idea that Apple was in AR. I apologize but I just couldn’t conceive of it.
I think it’s at least possible that Hutchnson won’t sign this abomination. He strikes me as part of the last GOP “establishment” relics that probably values tech investment in his state over the fundie nutjobs.
It would be nice if they brought back the Apple Rainbow logo to the store fronts, especially in places like AR.
Asa Hutchinson panders to the same right-wing mental midgets that Huckabee adores.
He’s just not over-the-top like the Huckster is.
I get why HRC would run an ad in the Mercury News as an alert to tech companies - but you’d hope they’d also run ads in Arkansas papers…
To Plucky’s point, I do wonder if business is finally going to wake up to the mounting challenges posed by the GOP agenda, which is increasingly governed by a combination of evangelical fundamentalist issues and a very narrow cross-section of business interests - i.e. mainly very wealthy rentiers and the death industires and serial polluters. Plus Wall Street, but even they have to admit they’ve generally done well under Democratic policies, CFPB notwithstanding.
These guys should also look closely at the relative economic performance of states that have fully embraced the GOP economic model - I’m looking at you, Kansas, Wisconsin and New Jersey…
Put shorter: When Republicans win, America loses.
Ahhhh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! Ahhh, ha, Ahhhh, ha, ha, ha!
[quote=“PluckyInKY, post:6, topic:18497”]
I realize Apple, Yelp, and Salesforce have more progressive CEOs, but I wonder if this is the issue on which business finally says, "Enough! (emphasis added)
[/quote]Ahhhhh, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, (nerd-gasp for air) ha, ha, ha, ha, Ahhhh, ha, ha, ha. Stop it! Stop it! ha, ha, ha,
[quote=“PluckyInKY, post:6, topic:18497”]
The tax breaks and deregulation that only served to destroy the economy are no longer worth getting into bed with hatemongers."
[/quote]Hee, Hee, Hee, ha, ha, ha, (nerd-gasp) Ahhhh, ha, ha, ha,…The CEO’s turn down tax breaks…ha, ha, ha…not get into bed with hatemongers…Ahhhhhhhh, ha, ha, ha, it hurts, it hurts.
[quote=“PluckyInKY, post:6, topic:18497”]
There has to be a breaking point,…
[/quote]Wahhhhhh, hah, hah, hah, Stop it! My stomach!! My stomach!! it hurts! it hurts. He, he, he, ha, ha, ha…
[quote=“PluckyInKY, post:6, topic:18497”]
At some point, red state freebies and tax breaks aren’t going to be worth it
[/quote]H, H, H, stop, need air, need air, he, he, he, he, my throat hurts, Ohh, sh… Oh sh…he, he, he, ha, ha!!!
CEO abandon their tax breaks…ha, ha…and reject hatemongers…he, heh,…leave the GOP…over a gay rights issue…he, he, he, he, he, he, (stops typing, but doesn’t stop laughing).
Well, that was rude was as fuck! Thanks!
here’s the TL;DR of the above post:
I have nothing useful to say and nothing to contribute to the discussion, keep moving.
The death of the dinosaurs is nigh…
I want to see Walmart put the pressure on Arkansas.
Now close this: https://www.apple.com/retail/thefashionmallatkeystone/
I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be rude. I actually thought your post was tongue-in-cheek.
Tt was so funny. I was honestly laughing from the first time I read the first line that I quoted. I was laughing the whole time I was typing the post and I’m still laughing.
I thought you knew what we were dealing with. But if you were serious, it’s like you don’t know who you are talking about.
CEO’s say enough is enough on their tax breaks??? CEO’s not get into bed with hatemongers???
Stop associating with the GOP??? over a gay rights issue???
There has to be a breaking point??? When they are getting money???
It’s pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking.
Like this guy’s suggestion…
[quote=“Khaaannn, post:16, topic:18497”]
If Arkansas passes this bill, pull all your products from Wal*Mart shelves (headquartered in Arkansas.)
[/quote] Give up shelf space! Really??? At the largest retailer in the country if not the world??? You think a CEO will do that, even a gay one, over anything, a gay rights issue or not?
Don’t you know them? Does it sound like something that they would, or even could do.
Since you are serious. (I’m still laughing at your super wishful thinking) Let me ask you…
How many abortions would put you over the breaking point to say “enough, we have to ban this”?
How much peace would make you say, “this is ridiculous, these peace-niks are out of control, we need more war profits”?
It’s just ridiculous…these people believe in their positions. The CEO’s might be the only ones who exhibit no hypocrisy; they always take the money.
But the average person in Little Rock would not know what the rainbow meant. Or they would think Apple started selling unicorns, rainbow unicorns are the best!
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