The only way we’ll ever get real progress toward soving the problems of the country is do what California did - kick the GOP to the curb. Just one of these loathsome sandbaggers in the Senate is too many.
The only way we’ll ever get real progress toward soving the problems of the country is do what California did - kick the GOP to the curb. Just one of these loathsome sandbaggers in the Senate is too many.
Sadly, I wouldn’t put it past them at all. “Oops, included the wrong attachment in the e-mail totally by mistake”
Hey, 20 assaults is not nearly enough to establish a pattern.
Basic statistics tells us you need an n of 30 to have a statistically-significant sample. We’re only at 22 including Ms. Carroll.
Well, if you’re talking about researching the president’s sexual proclivities, you’d need a control group of women he knew whom he hadn’t assaulted. It might be hard to assemble such.
Enter the Fascist Five, stage right…
Shouldn’t be hard to assemble a group of two…
It’s in Wynn’s concurrence. They told the trial judge the drop dead date was in October, but they’ve been telling the Court of Appeals it’s July 1, so Judge Wynn, ahem, strongly suggested a preliminary injunction might be in order pending completion of his review.
They do. That comes with having a lifetime appointment and being (relatively) young.
Unless you’re a black man formerly considered a national treasure and practically a member of every white family.
Or they will punt, given this decision.
If you had a real Supreme Court this would be over. That is to be included in the census a decision in favor of including the question must be handed down in the next few weeks. That said, what a real Supreme Court would do without calling it a punishment but as a punishment for the misconduct of hiding evidence and lying to the court should not take action until after the lower courts reach their decision which would push the matter until after the census needed to be finalized.
Except: having two sets of proofs ready for printing is not the same as already have millions x 2 already printed, boxed up and ready to go…
@castor_troy — Oops, typed before reading further. Sorry.
Interesting timing. The decision will immediately be filed with the Supreme Court. A sane Court would remand its case pending further information in the other docket. Will Roberts do that?
The lower courts have handled this in the appropriate way, and it’s probably making Roberts wonder whether the SC can still ramrod it through in light of new facts that devastate the government’s disingenuous and possibly criminal fiction about how the census question came about.
At this point in time, a remand to the appellate court to consider all the new evidence is the smart move for SCOTUS.
But would cost them the chance to guarantee a Republican majority in the Senate for the next decade…
All comes down to Roberts and whether he’s willing to risk the wrath of the right-wing.
THe irony would be if what happened is that TX and AZ and FL lost more count than CA. And then by 2030 the demographic shift just overwhelmed any rigging the gop (if in fact there still is a gop) could do.
I can absolutely see that happening - given the law of Unintended Consequences, of course.
I betcha my last dollar if a reporter asked Trump his opinion on the census he couldn’t give one.