newly-minted Communications Director
Laurence O’Donnell pointed out last night the ass-kissing Smooch pooch hasn’t actually been hired yet, thus, he just plays the role of White House Communications Director on TV.
Scaramuccia (literally “little skirmisher”), also known as Scaramouche or Scaramouch, is a stock clown character of the Italian commedia dell’arte (comic theatrical arts). The role combined characteristics of the zanni (servant) and the Capitano (masked henchman). Usually attired in black Spanish dress and burlesquing a don, he was often beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice.
[source: Wiki]
So fittingly (at least for the time being) Scaramouch is merely playing the role of servant and henchman so he can be berated by late night comedians for his boasting and cowardice?
Makes sense. Theatrical arts indeed.
Next up … federal charges. [And scene.]
Mooch, Harvard Law School called. They want their degree back.
Al Pacino called. He wants to spend two days with Mooch to study for his next role.
Indeed Anthony Scarramouche is a great White House Entertainment Director. He helped address Sarah Sanders wardrobe and make up on his first day at work. Now, I hope he can provide Ivank Trump and Melaria Trump some guidance on how they can look less like vinyl inflatable toys. They too could use his sage advice and designer expertise.
Yet more proof everything repugs say and do is projection. Talk about a thug.
“We agree with Anthony that these staggering number of leaks are undermining the ability of our government to function and to protect this country,” department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said in the statement.
“We agree with Anthony …” WTF?! “Anthony”? Seems like he may have charmed you already, sister. Otherwise the tone of this “statement” sounds like pure bullshit to me. Leaks are undermining the government’s ability to function? How about incompetence? Seen any of that lately?
ETA: Yesterday someone on another thread tossed off “pisher” as a descriptor for Scaramucci. Ya gotta love Yiddish invective.
Well , he IS Mini-Me ( only might have a bigger winkle ) .
That is the formal designation salutation , the informal would be “We agree with the Mooch…”
Lock Him Up with the rest of the Misadministration.
Christ, with this idiot, you need a choir of Trappist monks in the background chanting, “Asshole.”
You mean “felony” isn’t a synonym for “thing I think is not just criminal, but criminal and makes me really mad”?
Who knew? Who knew the law could be so complicated?
He’s probably more like his future Boss than we think. He whines and snivels and threatens and lies…and then blames everyone else for making him DO that.
Aping being the operative word here
And in related news:
We really need to stop letting these people call things “leaks” that are just regular old reporting. Dinner plans are not state secrets.
That is what jumped out at me as well. That they didn’t give an “we at the FBI maintain professional conduct in our, blah, blah, blah…” But that they essentially agree with the Mooch and his conduct.
That’s not an appropriate response FBI.
“I’m The Mooch, so that’s what you call me. Or Moocher, His Moochness, Tony Moocherino if you’re not into that whole brevity thing”.
Who the fuck does this cocksucker think he is? He’s only the fucking communications director!
From The Onion Fact Checks Anthony Scaramucci:
“I’m going to fire every one of them…the entire place will be fired over the next two weeks.”
OH, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE BE TRUE: Seriously, please.