Discussion: AP: Ted Cruz Rejected Job Offer In George W. Bush White House

A major difference is that Obama had been a member of the IL State Legislator for , iirc, at least seven years before running for the senate, which gave him considerably more experience as a lawmaker than Cruz.


Rafael is the most disliked member of Congress, of course. Is it likable that he changed his phony first name from “Felito” to “Ted”?

Hmmm… Fellatio Cruz has a nice ring to it.


If he wins the nomination, everyone in the GOP will want to work for him; he’ll become their “long time buddy.”

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Yeah I know. I’m not calling it equivalent. Just pointing out that nobody had really heard of Obama until a couple of years before he ran for president either. Like Cruz, Obama wasn’t really a national name before running.

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Himmler was a pig farmer and he rose to a position of power.

Cruz is a pg f*&ker and I’m sure he aspire to that same position of power.



He’s not a “functionary” now!

And neither was William Jefferson Clinton

Actually you are wrong. Obama gave a very notable speech at a Democratic Presidential Convention, so was known natinnally before he ran.


I can almost see Sen. Cruz’s position here. after working diligently on jr’s campaign, he felt as though he was qualified for the higher position, which went to someone else. why would he want to work for someone who he felt he was more qualified for their job then they were? the obvious answer: he wouldn’t. the odds are good they would have constantly clashed, until it reached the point that one of them had to go; guess which one that would have been? he’d have been left with a black mark on his permanent record, which would, no doubt, have been used against him in his run for the senate.

Try entering high school with a first name like ‘Felito’… the dirty jokes just line up

It appears that Ted would much rather assume the title of Fuhrer rather than work his way up to President.

“Cruz’s career as a Washington outsider burgeoned after he left the Bush administration.”

Well, duuuuh!

They are pulling on the strings of his personal narrative, exposing him as a liar.

First, his oft repeated story about his wife joining him in putting up their life savings to fight for his senate seat…Turns out, not so much. Goldman Sachs and Citi put up the money, Cruz’s personal assets actually grew by several hundred thousand. So instead of putting up his own money, he took a couple of sweetheart deals and pocketed the excess.

Now, his oft repeated story about how being passed over just made him buckle down harder and strive to rise in his political career…Turns out, not so much. He petulantly thought he should be offered a much more prestigious job and so turned his nose up at the offer.

Individually…and even both of them together…aren’t all that big of deal. But I suspect its going to be an emerging pattern,hammering on the meta message…Ted Cruz lies.


Why work when you can be a Senator?


Just one more lie told by Cruz.

Hell I’d have rejected the offer too.

I like this guy

Cruz is bound for greatness!! That position would certainly pale in comparison to eight years in the White house and saving this great Republic from the last seven years of tyranny!!! Besides, an administration such as the establishments GW Bush does not suit his rebel demeanor! Just sayin…

You mean, Ted Cruz told an untruth? Unthinkable!

Perhaps a crib note from his master debating.

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