Discussion: AP Poll: Most Think Trump Has Illegally Or Unethically Colluded With Russia

But how far is it from saying he didn’t do anything wrong to saying he’s obstructing the investigation? That to me is cognitive dissonance and a wedge that’s easily opened up by Fuax hammering away at it until it becomes one of those NYTimes “we have to report on the phenomenon” articles which is tossed into the feedback machine.

No, the legal term is conspiracy, and it’s illegal. Republicans, particularly Alan Dershowitz, have been trying desperately to muddy the waters on that point.


True. Like capital T(reason).


So it’s Friday. Have any new indictments come down?


True in the sense that “collusion” is not the name of any federal crime. But the behavior that is broadly called “collusion” becomes illegal when it involves conspiring to break specific laws. Mueller may or may not find proof direct and damning enough to make that case against Trump and/or members of his inner circle. We don’t know yet.

[If I had to bet, at this point I’d wager that Mueller does find such evidence against some members of Trump’s inner circle…most likely Kushner, possibly Don Jr., maybe others. As far as Don Sr…I would guess that’s at least a bit less likely. In part because he apparently doesn’t use any e-mail himself, which means less of a “paper trail.” In part because even these idiots probably at least tried to “insulate” Trump (Sr.) to some extent. But this is all pretty speculative.]


both barrels?
that’s a scattergun, these guys own automatic weapons.
But your point is well made. The Dem cat herd can use this if they’ll stop pissing on each others’ boxes and work together.
With all the ammo we got, we’ll need a gattling gun to burn it up.
The “metoo” cannon is now firing away, there’s some serious artillery.
Unforunately, that is becoming a two-edged sword, some Dem candidates are getting embroiled in what may become a mess for anyone ever caught up in a harassment settlement, whether it was real or not…


Those numbers will grow, of course, after Jared gets indicted, which should be sometime in the next month or so.


I like your optimism.


You’re mistaken. We’re seeing a turnaround in the fortunes of the Democratic party and its response to trumpp and his incompetence and the incompetence of his administration. But you get to say fucking something or other 3X so it’s cool.

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How’s that for optimism?


The Dems.have.no.power.

Even better!!! Like I said, it’s Friday (and @antisachetdethe has a flight!).


At the most fundamental level, inserting Russia-friendly changes in the Republican platform was by and of itself a form of collusion. Just becasuse Trump never personally ate Putin’s caviar doesn’t mean there was no collusion. The bar for collusion is certainly lower than treason, but when actual policy changes are involved, surely there has to be a reconsideration of the terminology.

Imagine if a Democrat had done this during the Bush era. The bizzaro world we live in now that Trump’s our Colluder in Chief, just doesn’t compute somehow.

?: Who will tell the American public that they elected a Ruskie mobbed up money launderer and tax cheat?
Answer: Mueller.

My prediction: Muellers next move will be indictments relating to this. It will march this illegality right up to Trump’s door. Then watch the shit hit the fan. I think the obstruction will come thereafter- it’s the motive for the obstruction.

The rePuklican push back on this area already there; “Some mistake on his 2006 tax return.” “He will never release his taxes”. It’s there.


@antisachetdethe is in the air, but nothing else has come down.

Besides, Mueller’s usual pattern is to release one in the morning, wait for the Dump’s response, then release the big one in the early pm. Doesn’t look like an early XMas.

ETA: I don’t understand how people can separate their other issues - healthcare, the economy, taxes - from the illegal influence on the election that put the guy spearheading the attacks on those very subjects in power. Just doesn’t compute to me. Oh yeah: fuck the GOP who don’t believe in his conspiracy/cover-up. Fuck 'em to death.


She used the word “abeyance”?

Clearly an elitist.

Holding the working-class people of Kentucky – nay, all Americans – in utter contempt.


“I feel like there are so many more important issues that we could be focusing on other than something that’s basically water under the bridge,” said Martina Childers, a 53-year-old Republican who lives in Colorado.

I’m sure she felt exactly the same way about Benghaaaazzziiiii and Hillary’s emails.


Yeah, I’m on the West Coast, and I usually find out about the indictments first thing in the morning. Then again, it’s Friday!


Don’t fall for the nonsense blather of the conservative propaganda machine. Mueller isn’t running around trying to put together a case for “collusion” and absolutely NOBODY has argued or said that he is. Moreover, NOBODY argued that “collusion” is a crime. It’s a big fat giant dollop of straw man distraction feces. It’s an argument nobody is having but the conservative propaganda machine, who invented the argument and then proceeded to have it with nobody on the other side.

The issue is the FORM the collusion took. Was it totally legit and not criminal? Was it blatant bribery or pay to play? Was it receipt of things of value from a foreign gov’t in violation of campaign finance laws? Was it cash or in kind? Money laundering? Criminal conspiracy to do any of a number of things that are illegal? Was it in some dark grey area where promises were made about sanctions in exchange for INDIRECT assistance through the troll farms and fake news messaging? Those are some of the issues. Can you get out Webster’s Dictionary and apply the definition of “collusion” to them? You betcha.


No, it’s really not. For impeachment to go through we need the buy in of as many Americans as possible. It simply can’t look political, it can’t have the slightest hint of being politically motivated because, as you stated, there are simply different rules for Democrats. So the case has to be airtight. If the goal is to actually get him impeached and not just talk about it then we need to do this right. We need to prosecute it in a way that most Americans furiously shaking their heads in agreement. Because if we screw this up and wind up looking like Chicken Little, if PP winds up looking like the victim of a political witch hunt we could be looking at eight years of this madness.

Yes, I realize all that he’s doing, but there’s literally nothing we can do to stop him until next November as long as his base of deplorables is still with him. The only recourse we have is in the voting booth. And I suspect what you’re calling for is something we’ll see plenty of next year as Democrats get out on the campaign trail. Because that’s when it can actually make a real difference and actually change things. But right now, there’s very little Democrats can do to stop it.