Discussion: AP-NORC Poll: Majority Approve Of Trump's Handling Of North Korea

Another media failure in explaining the crisis Trump created, the calming of the crisis by South and North Korea, and then after all the hard work was done, the photo op Trump took. He literally did nothing positive over the course of the self-created crisis.

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Yes. But it’s better for him to have smiling photo ops than taunting Kim on twitter and talking about how he has a bigger button.


“The survey was conducted immediately after Trump concluded a one-day meeting with Kim” where Trump was claiming an historic meeting that ends nuclears in Korea, and we all can finally sleep soundly.

Only a few days later did it percolate down to the non-news junkies that it was all smoke and mirrors.

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Diplomacy is, of course, preferable to (nuclear war) and you’re not going to find much (rational) argument against that, so I understand why a lot of people approve of that. That being said, did Trump have to spend the last year looking like he was trying to pick a fight (or bloody nose) with Kim? Did Trump have to literally slobber all over Kim and break his legs to give Kim something (military exercises with South Korea) when we have yet to get anything in return (per Mattis)? Did he have to have a freakin’ movie trailer produced prior to the summit? REALLY?


This falls into the “Why are hitting yourself in the head with a hammer? Because it feels good when I stop” category.

Trump’s rating were low last year because he was inflaming the crisis himself.

And now he had stopped, and it is a good thing that he stopped.

But that is the only positive thing about the summit.

The soft bigotry of low expectations for Trump.


Right it was staged purely as a photo op and the media was gleeful at taking advantage of the wonder dramatic high-profile photo op.

I watched the coverage on CBS that day, it is was all about the drama and glamour, and about how oh-so-historic it all was. Any comments pointing out problems were so over-shadowed that I don’t remember them (if they were even there) , and neither does any one else.

Yet another piece of evidence of how about MSM infotainment (which is what the news is) is helpless to cover the Trump Crisis effectively.


I don’t believe in polls anymore. At some point we’re likely to learn the list they’re using to contact people either online or by phone to respond to these things has been stovepiped and compiled by the Kremlin and fed to unsuspecting pollsters.

It’s as good as any other conspiracy I’ve heard of lately regarding Russia. If these Ruskies can hack and get ahold of voter registration lists, I can’t see why they couldn’t get ahold of people with a certain political bent that can be reached by pollsters and change background information to suit a desired outcome. All you need is someone on staff collecting the data to filter the data while working for these outfits.

I know…its elaborate and completely bonkers…but that’s all I got on this shit. The only other explanation is that the majority of Americans are ignorant, dumb and too lazy to know the facts. I guess that’s the other possibility.

Makes sense. For a lot of people not tuned into politics, their opinion on foreign policy is more or less just “not war.” They aren’t going to pay attention to anything beyond headlines and generally like to see the president getting along & making “deals” with other nations. This is going to be especially true in these relatively peaceful times. It’s typical Trump. Shameless enough to do things that anyone paying attention knows are completely farcical, but since most people aren’t paying attention, they work well politically.

I guess you can fool most of the people a lot of the time.

I think it would be interesting to know the opinion of citizens from the other G7 countries since he blew that up to go play nicey-nice with North Korea. It was only yesterday Wilbur Ross decided Canada is no longer a security threat. Lovely of him to let us know we are in the same good books as North Korea.

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Clearly, the majority are fucking idiots and have very low standards.

I share that impression. Trump has already announced that NoKo has denuclearized, so his job is complete! So easy!

Many folks just feel better that trump is so confident about it. The shmaltzy video convinced them it’s all real.

Especially if they’re not really paying attention and cling to bumper-sticker solutions to complicated problems.

According to trump, it’s all fixed now! The people feel better. trump is great.

Next up a photo op with Putin. Let’s see how long it takes the media to describe this in terms the general public understands, i.e. mid-way through the second season the “Trump Show” had to resort to guest stars to boost ratings.

I see no evidence the non-news junkies realize that even now. I see some evidence that they do not, e.g. the last Gallup weekly.

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