Discussion: AP: Manafort Secretly Worked To Advance Putin's Interests

You’ll like him even more after you read the article. It distills a lot of the process with the fall of Austerianism.



Thank you for this link.


He was flagged for threadjacking and given a time-out. I don’t think he’s been back since. If he has, he’s been maintaining a much lower profile.

Update: Looks like I’m wrong; he’s just being a bit more choosy which threads he attempts to hijack. He’s all over the “Germany Owes ‘Vast Sums of Money to NATO’ thread.”


No tax returns. No peace.
Follow the money.
No failure of imagination allowed.
A crook is in the White House and his abettors are all the rePukelicans on Capital Hill…

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The weird thing to me is that this isn’t really news. The specifics may add color, but isn’t this just what Manafort does for a living? Everyone knew that back when he first joined Trump’s campaign. Yet the GOP aligned itself with all that. I’ve been wondering aloud since September if the entire GOP has perhaps joined forces with Putin to pursue a common goal of subverting democracy and instituting oligarchy rule in the U.S.


That’s the big takeaway from this one, for me. Wonder if that’s what the FBI is aiming for. At that point, things start to get really interesting.

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Listening to NPR on the way home last night one of the talking head journalists was willing to give the Trump people something of a pass because they were so clumsy in their treason. None of them tried very hard to hide their Russia connections at the time.

The GOP is crooked. Manafort was Trump’s campaign chair for a year including if I recall during the GOP convention when the GOP changed their policies to be more friendly towards Russia. No wonder they don’t want an investigation, the GOP leaders themselves are likely caught up in this as well.


From the article:

Manafort eventually signed a $10 million annual contract beginning in 2006.

(then later in the article)

How much work Manafort performed under the contract was unclear.

Manafort apparantly did $10 million worth of work each year. Gee, I wonder what Putin got in exchange for all that money.


I don’t think that can be the explanation. If that were the case, the GOP wouldn’t have officially climbed on board with softening the Ukraine policy at the campaign’s urging.

They were too stupid to be guilty?

I guess their current attempt(s) at cover-up(s) are also part of their ongoing stupidity (??).


At best, PeePee is a stupid, ignorant naive puppet of Putin 'n Pals

At worst, he is a willing traitor

At a minimum, he is a money laundering, soon to be convicted felon who still hasn’t uttered a single word in criticism of his overlord in Moscow

And this is our president…


Is it just me, or is there now a discernible orange glow lighting all this smoke?


Manafort was introduced to Trump by Roy Cohn in the 80s, when he (Manafort) was working with Roger Stone. And yes, he lives in Trump Tower.


And is still in contact post-campaign.


Once in awhile they file charges.

I know someone who went to federal prison for a business deal with the Iranians via Mexico.


'The effort, Manafort wrote, “will be offering a great service that can re-focus, both internally and externally, the policies of the Putin government.” ’

Just stunning that they have this in writing. Could there be a more damning statement of his allegiances?


"At best, PeePee is a stupid, ignorant naive puppet of Putin 'n Pals

At worst, he is a willing traitor"

We’re not supposed to jump to the most extreme conclusion. But if I were putting money on it, I would absolutely bet on option number 2. Wouldn’t you?

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@tena I’m just hoping someone can find a way to keep Manafort from leaving the country, because I doubt he’ll be coming back. I suppose some kind of charge(s) have to filed. Maybe a subpoena from the Senate IC would suffice?