Discussion: AP: Half Of Arrestees In St. Paul Suburb Where Castile Was Killed Are Black

Ferguson all over again? A white establishment preying on blacks instead of raising taxes on themselves?

The last paragraph seems to indicate a police department that has been instructed to give blacks every incentive to leave the community.

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It would be interesting to see what the arrests are for. Do a lot of them translate to ā€œbeing uppityā€?

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Go ahead and mock! The SAPD is the only thing standing between us and the inexorable wave of burnt-out turn signals!

Rudy Giuliani has a perfectly plausible explanation for the arrest rate disparity. Heā€™d be happy to tell you but youā€™re a stupid nigger and wouldnā€™t understand.

This is the ā€œFailed to signal a lane changeā€ wing.

Just another example of how the system fails African Americans.

Iā€™m just surprised the RNCā€™s not having Rudy Guliani giving a speech blacksplaining how AAs should behave around law enforcement.

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And this is just arrestsā€¦

Imagine the amount of traffic stops it takes to get to this arrest rate.


Some cities write tickets and generate fines through the use of traffic cameras. There are reports, backed up by studies and sometimes the acknowledgement of local policing authorities, that these cameras are disproportionally distributed to streets and intersections in areas more heavily populated and used by black residents and commuters.

I find that surprising.

[quote=ā€œpshah, post:7, topic:40471ā€]
Iā€™m just surprised the RNCā€™s not having Rudy Guliani giving a speech blacksplaining how AAs should behave around law enforcement.[/quote]

Well, he is on the list.

No, not quite, because Ferguson is actually majority black, and the resulting fines and what not were actually a material contribution to the cityā€™s tax base. In other words, they preyed on poor African Americans as a strategy for raising revenue in lieu of normal taxes. Thatā€™s not a strategy where fewer than 10% of your population is African American. Instead, it just looks like out and out racial profiling with the assumption that anyone with dark skin either doesnā€™t belong or is presumed to be a criminal.

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I am guessing a lot of them ā€“ disproportionately ā€“ are the same kind of bogus traffic stops that white people are almost never stopped for.

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I was just thinking about this: Iā€™ve been stopped maybe 3 times in the past 10 years. Twice for having an out-of-date inspection sticker, once for having my headlights off coming out of a parking lot at night. And of course no arrests or searches or use of force resulted. Speeding, failure to stop at a stop sign, failure to signal a turn, nada. (Iā€™m not one of the seeming majority of people who hold a phone in one hand and the wheel in the other, at least.)

Cops are out there to enforce the authority policies, and in this town they have a un-written policy that they donā€™t want blacks at all. So they are harassing them in the hope that they will stay away.

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Looks like official harassment to me. Sick the police on the black residents, so they will pick and leave. I hope the family sues the city and the police from here to kingdom come.
What a bunch of SOBs, preying on those who have the least.
Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a special place in hell for this kind of low lifers.

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From the distance it looks like you are right.

I guess it could be argued that PC-ness made things worse, in the old days towns were allowed to have sings that said ā€œNiā€¦r, donā€™t let the sun set on you in ā€¦ā€, black people knew which towns to avoid and at least spared them from violence and fines.

I am going to apply for job at Foxā€¦ I am starting to think like themā€¦

When nearly half of the arrests are Black people and the population of the area is only 7% thereā€™s some serious racial profiling going on which is obviously intent on unfairly criminalizing the minority Black population. The Feds ought to be investigating this police force for major civil rights abuses based on these statistics alone. This screams of blatant discrimination.

This is just like the old familiar practice of redlining in housing, only worse. In this case, law enforcement is being used to intimidate Blacks, not just from living in the area, but even from traveling through the area to get from point A, to point B. The police are primarily acting like a private security firm, hired to selectively enforce legal actions as minor or major infractions for the benefit of ā€˜protectingā€™ white people in the area. This has a far more detrimental affect because being stopped, fined, arrested, incarcerated and/or left with a criminal record is even worse than being denied basic housing in the suburbs as a means of upward mobility. Even with fair housing laws, discrimination shouldnā€™t still be happening, but everyone knows it still does. It still exists as do these extra-legal attempts to constantly pull over black pedestrians and motorists.

These Minnesota enclaves of White communities, intent on staying White, seem to be using law enforcement to systematically keep Blacks out of ā€˜theirā€™ neighborhoods or are tacitly approving of these actions, which is one more reason for the Feds to get involved. Letā€™s admit it though, this isnā€™t confined to Minnesota. This is happening all over this country. The intimidation factor by the police simply cannot be ignored any longer.

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Iā€™m still taken aback when I see black people in parts of my local area that were verboten in my youthā€¦