Discussion: AP: Fact-Checking The South Carolina Democratic Debate

Oh, and what would be the nature of your concern? I mean in terms of specific un-Democratic policy that Sanders espouses? Or is is merely that he hasn’t paid his dues (though caucusing w/the Ds for 30 years should be worth something)? Or is it that he’s just too left wing for your tastes? Please do say.


Better not do what’s best, they might call us names!


There was an op-ed in NYT the other day from a lifelong republican who served in three R administrations and is a fellow at a right-wing think tank who said he can’t vote for Trump but will not vote for Clinton. Dumb bastard is opting out of the process entirely to register his protest but it seems obvious to me at least the best way to keep Trump from succeeding is to vote for a Democrat.


He has always caucused with the dems… in the house and Senate.

To run for president
under the party he has always allied with seems appropriate enough. He knows if he were to run under his independent Democratic Socialist party he would hurt the party he has given his support to for 30 years.

I hear where you are coming from but his 30 years of support for the party and it’s ideals outweighs this concern for me (as well as a not insignificant portion of the party)


There is of course the part of the republic party that wouldn’t vote for Trump normally, but put a Clinton up and there vote becomes less about FOR Trump, as motivated to vote AGAINST a Clinton.


Sunday night is Downton Abbey so Sunday was not a good choice either. Wasserman-Schultz needs her head examined if she thinks weekend debates mean a huge audience. I did see the debate but only because it was rerun after Downton and the new Civil War series that came after Downton.
My thought was why watch this debate when it will basically be a repeat of prior debates. Luckily I got to see it anyway after watching my programs.

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Funny, that’s uncannily like a comment I made last time:

Pretty revealing – they were clearly working very, very hard to get a list of boo-boos at least remotely comparable to what they got from the Republicans, and this was the best they could do…


of course we can’t know for sure what she was thinking… but she hasn’t gotten this far in life and in the party being that stupid…

if she wanted to help her preferred candidate, DWS should have joined that candidate’s campaign (Like last time).

I will say one thing for the DNC… when they want to undercut a candidate that speaks well to the base and it’s priorities, they are much more effective than the RNC…


they did persevere though…

False equivalency is what they do best…

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Advocating repeatedly for primaring a sitting Democratic President is a pretty un-Democratic policy. The major policy success of the the past decades, namely the ACA, Bernie wants to replace…with little or no regard to the political costs to the Democratic party at large engaging in such a campaign. Not a particularly strong Democratic policy.

As was brought up repeatedly yesterday, a larger percentage of Sanders supporters are saying they won’t support the eventual Democratic nominee if its not Sanders. That is definitely a VERY un-Democratic policy.

Ahh yes. The Purity Police have arrived. Because I raise the point that Sanders is not actually a Democrat (which he isn’t), I am therefore some right wing plant? A DINO?

This sort of response perfectly underlines one of the major insanity points of some Sanders supporters. The intent to become a left wing tea party, demanding purity to some vague,nebulous ideals and decrying any comment that you don’t like as an obvious indication that the person is clearly “not liberal enough”.


That’s right. It would be a vote against her. This guy, name not important, believed HRC was ethically challenged which he also thinks applies to Trump…


I’ll tell you what else was on at HBO that I would switch to during commercials: The Godfather Saga, a five-hour compilation of parts 1, 2 and 3 but in chronological order. For a fan it was heaven.

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OK, this has nothing to do with either my question regarding specific Sanders’ policies, and is just rank speculation on your part, as far as I can tell. At any rate, it has nothing to do with me, as I (and most of the Sanders’ supporters here, in my estimation) have said ad nauseam that I’ll vote for Clinton if she’s the D nominee.

Davey, this is what is called a straw man argument. I asked merely if Sanders was too far to the left for you, and you spin this into some grievance about “purity police” and “right-wing plant” and “DINO”, which was nowhere found, or implied, in my question. You might imagine those things are there, but please be so kind as to not put words or thoughts into my post which weren’t there; that’s neither polite, nor honest.


Ah yes. I would never miss it. I did see the Godfather saga was on but I have seen all of them at least 10 or more times so I didn’t mind missing them/

I have some moderate republican friends who said they will never vote for trump or cruz. They would probably fall into the Bush camp but they think he proved to be a dud and not up for the job. A couple said they could vote for Hillary (they voted for Obama twice) and the others said they would probably not vote at all


Entire party is already being painted as “socialist” so that’s stupid. But, hey, mad props for letting the opposition define what you are and aren’t allowed to do. Very Obama.


The debates on the 3 broadcast networks were scheduled by the networks, not by the DNC.

Great observation!


say what one wants to about HRC and her ethics, (she isn’t where I’d like totally)

but her and Trump should not be in the same sentence when viewed through that prism


[fill in the blank] minds think alike? :wink:

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