Discussion: AP FACT CHECK: Have Trump Aides Caught His Exaggeration Bug?



OT as a dog lover, y’ever seen Bob Williams and Louie on Sullivan/Youtube? Springer Spaniel, the Gracie Allen or Reiko Douglas of dogs. Dumb like a very smart fox. I found a newspaper article for reassurance the dog was OK. Dog did great.


Mnuchin said Trump will propose safeguards to prevent rich people from taking advantage of this tax cut, but provided no details on how that would work.

It isn’t just the lack of detail that sows doubt here.

The two biggest safeguards against rich people paying way too little in taxes are the AMT and IRS enforcement. Trumpp wants to eliminate the first and starve and handcuff the second. The whole aim of his tax plan is to reduce what rich people pay in taxes.


Sweet baby Jeebus on a Ritz, these people are Republicans. Lying is what they do.


FACT CHECK: AP prints lies, calls them “exaggerations.”


Yes, but in his defense, with every lie, it keeps growing.


Mnuchin looks (and acts) like Milton Berle without the cigar…


Photo balloon words…

Cohn "I hope my mother isn’t watching this…’

Mnutiae------ 'Watch my Jazz hands! Don’t fact-check!"

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like that lawyer who set himself on fire while defending his client on an arson rap :smiley:


To quote Jimmie Walker, and possibly Andy Borowitz, this is My Area. The reference to the AMT is definitely true, although the AMT in some cases made the in-state-tax deduction unnecessary according to CNBC’s Robert Frank. This plan also throws in the Everybody’s an LLC dodge. And people, me included , are not paying enough attention to the IRS and SEC enforcement abandonment.
OTOH Nobody. Nooh-body thinks this Tax-policy-reduced-to-a-tweet is going to pass. So an indeterminate number of these provisions are bargaining chips. Possibly it’ll be Ryan’s fault, at that.


After listening to these two kiss-asses, I was thinking the same thing about Frump’s aides lying bigly and shamelessly. Ugggghhhhh. Frumpy, release your taxes. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/immediately-release-donald-trumps-full-tax-returns-all-information-needed-verify-emoluments-clause-compliance

Typical Trump voter reponse: “Facts, shmacts. He’s going to make America great again. A+! USA! USA! USA! One1One!!!”

We are so screwed.


Our so-called President would never use a word as complex as “pathological.”


I get the somewhat tongue in cheeck “Caught His Exaggeration Bug” but Trump lies on purpose to the American people which isn’t something to joke about, gloss over or sugar coat so a 3rd grader understands it. The question to ask is Do Trump Aides Also Lie to the American People?.


I’ll drink to that!

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But they’re the finest, most beautiful bigliest liars, believe me!

Just a deranged, lying shitbag. I will never forgive the Deplorables from foisting this anarchist on us!

In not so many words and if you read between the lines to get the gist, that is what they are saying in a very pansied, vanilla, no risk taking sort of way.

Deception, falsehoods and lies are the base of this administration and honesty, especially self-reflecting honesty, would melt them like water did the wicked witch of the west.

Methinks that factcheck.org ought to consider the very same questions within their own house.
They rarely can just call it like it is.

I give them 2 1/2 Spicers. :baby_symbol:

Yeah, Mr. “What’s in it for me” is going to raise his own taxes. He said, “I’m going to be paying more, believe me.” Yeah, in that $1 is more than nada.

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