Discussion: Anti-Anal Sex Lawmaker Steve Hickey Makes His Crudest Analogy Yet (VIDEO)

Oh I saw that!! I watched it after catching his America series on Netflix, and becoming obsessed with him. Thanks for the recommendation though.

To say that Steve Hickey is repulsed by anal sex is to say that South Dakota winters are a bit cold.

I don’t know about it Tom, this guy goes up that alley quite a bit and with obsession…

In comparison, when a male animal, whether, mammal or insect, inserts the same body part it employs to expel urine from his body, into the orifice a female of the same species uses to expel urine from her body, well that’s a totally pristine hygienic interaction, 100% guaranteed to be totally free of any bacteria, germ, virus or other biologically active material … other than the male’s sperm, of course, which apparently doesn’t count as biologically active, or, if it does, it’s the ‘good’ kind (unless deposited into the wrong sort of orifice).

Of course, any doctor and billions of laypeople would tell you otherwise, but now, thanks to Sioux Falls South Dakota pastor Steve Hickey, you can ignore all those misguided types and, so long as you wash your hands and take care to limit your inserting to the correct sort of orifice, you’ll be fine.


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I find it odd that about 99.9% of the time, the Right’s intense and irrational hatred of gays ignores the existence of lesbians completely.

Also, they equate “gay” with “anal sex”, as though engaging in anal sex all the time, 24/7, is a basic requirement for being gay.

Then again, we’re talking about Republicans here, and by and large, they tend to be factually challenged.


After carefully examining his position, I have surmised that this Great Plains “Renaissance Man” must be actively seeking a more satisfying public orifice.

The state lawmaker who started an anti-anal sex crusade last week has responded with even more crass analogies and anal sex shaming after state doctor contacts him to assure him he's an ignoramus.

to assure him he’s an ignoranus



That one took a second.

I’ve heard that lesbian sex drives some men crazy. (And not crazy in a bad way!) If two women stimulate conservatives, that can only be a good thing. Because it serves them. After that, the place of lesbians is exactly with minorities and other non-deserving entities.

$20 says Mr. Hickey has a computer full of anal sex porn.


He is aware that women possess a Hershey highway as well, isn’t he?

I’d be fascinated to hear his opinions on quantum tunneling.

Hershey Highway? Heretofore known as Hickey Boulevard*

Yup, he’s sore from being the butt of everyone’s jokes.

*actual real street here in the Bay Area


For a guy who professes to be a heterosexual Christian (and a pastor!), he sure spends a lot of time pondering the anuses of other men in salacious, excruciating, juvenile-joking detail – and then enthusiastically judging and damning.

Maybe God should tell him the most important part of a man is his soul, not his poop chute.


I thought the suddenness of it meant the opposite - someone gave it to him, dumped him (wink, wink), now he has buyer’s remorse and has to cover it up.

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To say that Steve Hickey is repulsed by anal sex is to say that South Dakota winters are a bit cold.

For someone who’s repulsed, he sure spends a lot of time thinking about it.

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You just know this dude has dreams about big sweaty men and their sloberring breath on the back of his neck.

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“Hickey told TPM last week that he was “a little sore” with all the angry feedback he received…”

That is a true gem, TPM.

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He’s certainly has a colorful imagination. And that brown jacket.

There is that, as well.

He’s a “hickey” on the body of the GOP