Discussion: Anthony Cumia Says He Did Not Strangle Woman

Yes he is and worth more than $10 million.

It ain’t fair I tell ya it ain’t fair.

LOL! Brutal, the times we live in. And if there is a God, perhaps he can stop down once in a while and sort things out. But I guess that’s what the 2nd Amendment is for.

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Headline Issue. Doesn’t “strangles” victim suggest death, and “choked” victim suggest survival?


Or perhaps he could join Alfalfa and Spanky in the tree house.

So it’s mutual?

Weak, misleading verb.

These two morons contributed to the degradation of listenable radio in the NYC market. The station that was their flagship, WNEW-FM went from a free-form Rock station where the DJ’s held sway, even though they were owned by Metromedia to a more narrow format from the 80’s on with more corporate rock consisting of the same 15-20 artists with no “deep cuts” or thematic sets. Yes, there was still some decent programming such as free-form legend Vin Scelsa on Sunday nights as well as the Metal focused Eddie Trunk amidst the bland but by late 2000 the suits listened to their focus groups and decided “Hot Talk” geared to a younger demo was the rage hence Opie and Dopey every afternoon.