The news wasn’t all bad for Manafort, however … he still gets to live in his federally-funded “storage unit.”
Manafort is in jail and losing every motion he puts forth, Cohen may be flipping while Trump and Guliani are plain flipping out, and Junior is going with the idiot defense. I sense something big breaking soon or perhaps a report by Mueller to Rosenstein very soon with an indictment to follow?
And the scariest thing for Trump, we haven’t heard a single thing publicly from Mueller. We have only tea leaves with no actual idea how much he knows, and I’ll bet he knows a helluva lot.
What’s he batting on the motion rulings now … about 1 for 27?
If it has chickenwire walls it is not a prison. He’s free!
Is he being warehoused in one of those “[facilities] that has more comforts than a lot of Americans get,” or that is “really more like a Boy Scout camp than it is a prison camp” that the GOP decries as being soft on crime?
It’s a regular summer camp, right??
No slack for Paulie. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Manafort deserves the treatment Alex Krycek gets in the X-Files: left at the bottom of a deep, dark missile silo.
“Manafort’s incarceration in a prison cell is like being in summer camp.”
Beware of darkness.
I was watching some PP voter panel a few weeks ago and was just dumbfounded when some asshole called Mueller a liar. WTF has he lied about? When has he even spoken publicly about anything to do with the Russia investigation? I don’t even know what the man’s voice sounds like. He could call me on the phone right now and say, “Plucky, this is Bob Mueller calling.” And I’d be all like, “I’m gonna stop you right there. Yes, I will have your children. And yes, to anything else you need, my love.” And it could totally be someone calling about switching internet providers.
Flip now… or forever hold your manacles
O Plucky you are too much!!
“These laws are not just about paperwork,” her ruling concludes. “Their object is to ensure that no person acts to advance the interests of a foreign government or principal within the United States unless the public has been properly notified of his or her allegiance.”
This is almost a hint about a bigger fish than Manafort in Mueller’s investigation.
I’m glad you’re still bending over, Mr. Manafort cause we’re bringing it home.
I’m gonna get a full-size movie poster made of Judge Jackson.
Lol. As if I wasn’t already envious of him for being such a great and good man, he probably sounds like Barry White.
OK, first big laugh I’ve had today. Thanks, Plucky!