Discussion: Another GOPer Says He'll Vote For Trump Despite Calling On Him To Drop Out

Rock and a hard place.

Sucks to be GOP.


Maybe they should just hand the election to us—just drop out.
Their policies are SOOO bad.


Their judgement is atrocious also too.

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“Yes,” he added, “I would have voted for Mussolini too. Hillary Clinton would never have made the trains run on time.”


Another unsalted pretzel!

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The lack of morality, courage and good judgement is depressing to behold…


“It is more important to win than it is to win by appealing to voters’ better natures. If it takes feeding their fears, then so be it. If it requires keeping my opponent’s supporters from voting, then that is what must be done. If it requires supporting a self-admitted misogynist and serial abuser of women; a candidate who hates and fears the other; a candidate who lies so frequently he couldn’t identify the truth if it were handed to him, then so be it. If it means I have to vote for a candidate I wouldn’t let into my home, I’ll do it.”

Rep. Chris Stewart (Deplorable, UT).

Just clarifying that for you, Congressman. Thanks for the courageous moral stance!


You know, GOP has taken on a new meaning this year: Gutless Old Party.

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So Rep. Chris Stewart who’s motto is faith, family and country decides that HO is fine to lead his family and country for the next four years. Well 2 out 3 ain’t bad I guess in Utah.

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Well, we got us another Soviet Communist, er, Republican Party Apparatchik forced back into the Party Line under threat of a loyalty trial. Comrade Putin makes sure that nobody veers from his Approved Republican Party Line!


Ye of little character.


This is why your words carried no weight when people like you spoke out against Trump in the primaries. Well, that and the alternative was Cruz…but good luck preventing the next white supremacist shitbag who aligns perfectly with your base.


Yes yes yes. And to begin laying the justification for the Modern Dixiecrat GOP’s plan to do nothing during the Hillary Clinton Administration except initiate tax payer funded fishing expeditions for the merits not found by the past 8 years of fishing expedition investigations.

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I can thank Trump for two things:

  1. For a resurgence of feminism (and the genesis of feminism in the previously complacent).

  2. For the opportunity to watch the GOP implode.

He just proved that his LDS affiliation is not all that important.     Religious hypocrites in Utah - you betcha.
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Which is why Putin is succeeding where Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev failed!

‘C’mon women! Suck it up. That Hillary is a REAL witch and even though we ‘know’ you might not like to be grabbed against your will, what HARM does it do. It’s not like rape rape.’ These aholes are absolutely SHAMELESS.

On November 8, I will proudly cast my vote for Chris Stewart’s opponent…for the third time.

I haven’t even taken the time to see who it is. Doesn’t matter; it never does. Anyone not named Chris Stewart would be a huge improvement.