Discussion: Ann Coulter Warns Trump To Not 'Fall For' The Migrant Children 'Actors'

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Oh look, “Tales From the Crypt” is back.


Sorry, Ann. We don’t need you, we have Kirstjen.

Same deplorable attitudes, much more powerful. You are redundant. Bye.


There’s a train leaving in about 10 minutes, Ann. Be under it.


From the soulless mind of someone incapable of weeping.


I’m not surprised it came from her.

I am mortified that this nonsense of ‘actors’ is permeating a crisis involving small children.

When will someone with a spine stand up to this ‘actors’ nonsense whenever something breaks the little snowflakes’ hearts, calling them out on their horrific actions?


Dirty right wing parasite. Hope this bitch gets hit by a fucking bus twice.


Remember not-Joe the not-Plumber? Don’t fall for the plight of the “economically anxious white working class actors”.

Remember, every day and twice on Sundays: every Republican accusation is at least one of (1) a jealous desire (2) a confession. Sometimes both. Every single one.


I’m sure this is a winning move…


This harpy is still around? I thought this bloodsucking commentator dried up last year. Like those microorganisms, I guess she can revive herself with fresh bile.


Do you suppose that this child has her guild card?


Wow! All this time I thought Ann Coulter was just a conniving skank but, in reality, she really is just plain nuts.


Ann who?


she’s going to regret saying that…


Of course they’re not innocent. They’re brown!


At this point, Lene Riefenstahl had less to be guilty about than this vile disgusting evil woman.

This seems like a perfect place to self-unroll, and amplify on, my latest tweetstorm re my “we are being groomed for an atrocity” obsession because, well, if wouldn’t be an obsession if I didn’t think I’m on to something really important.

The process of grooming people to participate in or acquiesce to an atrocity entails a stepwise escalation of the cruelty inflicted on the Others. A critical feature of the grooming process is that each escalation has the effect of normalizing the prior step, even if the latest step encounters pushback. If the pushback is too intense, the regime may temporarily step back from the latest escalation, as the Nazis did with Aktion T4 (the “euthanasia” program). But regardless, the escalation of evil immediately preceding the one that provoked the response loses its capacity to outrage. And that is key.

Ask yourselves, after this horror, are we still really going to be able to muster any outrage over the policies of arresting people dropping their kids off at school or making court appearances or pulling people over and demanding their papers because they’re 99 miles away from a border or port?

Likewise, even if an outcry causes a temporary retreat, the mere fact of them having done it means that when (always, and sooner rather than later) they resume doing the thing they backed off of under a more opaque pretext, it will have lost the capacity to shock and people will be more willing to accept the pretext and avert their eyes out of sheer emotional exhaustion.

When they swear they’ve stopped separating kids but really have only relocated the camps to rural red areas and renamed them Happy Smile Totally Awesome Fun Boncentration Bamps, how many will shrug and avert their eyes? How hard will it be to get the media to focus on the fact that is is still fucking happening?

When Fox is normalizing and minimizing the next escalation of horror (denaturalization, supermaxing asylum seekers, firing “warning shots” at people trying to cross the border with automatic weapons, waterboarding suspected Coyotes, confiscating all the property of people deported–what decent person can even imagine what evil will next spew from from Miller and Sessions’ cesspit minds?) will we even pay attention to the separation of kids from their parents?

And this is how the grooming process works. It is has three goals:

  1. Training supporters to cheer, defend and feel validated by ever greater cruelty, training them to blame the victims no matter what evil is perpetrated (not that Republicans need any help with that), to accept ever more inhuman policies and to view the victims as subhuman.

  2. Emotionally exhausting opponents, overwhelming their senses with so much horror and evil that they have to triage, focus on the latest and worst escalation, and, eventually succumb to a sense of powerlessness that makes it easier to just look away and pretend not to see.

  3. And, not least important, this is how the leadership cadre hardens its heart and steels itself to the descent into still greater depths of depravity. This is how they push through their own humanity en route to the end they sense but cannot yet admit even to themselves.

Donald Trump was inaugurated on the 75th Anniversary of the Wannsee Conference, a coordinating meeting where Heydrich announced the Final Solution and obtained the full (moral and practical) buy in of each bureaucracy that would have to implement or be touched by the policy. The occurrence of that conference would have been unthinkable in 1933 or even 1936 when Lene Riefenstahl shot “Triumph of the Will.” (A near scene for scene reshoot of 1935’s Victory of Faith, necessitated by the need to write everyone disappeared in the Night of the Long Knives from the canon).

The NSDAP didn’t just seize power and then launch immediately into genocide. It had to prepare the leadership, the executioners and the Good Germans alike for it through almost a decade of slowly escalating acts of cruelty and criminality.


What is it with fascists and hair?


They are.

Alex Jones is being sued by multiple families over his “actors” theory about the Sandy Hook shootings.

And apparently, it’s working:
Alex Jones, Backtracking, Now Says Sandy Hook Shooting Did Happen



Ann Coulter: She’s famous for being infamous.


Ann Coulter: The Personification of Evil