Discussion: Ann Coulter Warns Of 'Huge RINO Stampede' In Senate


And why does her blithering opinion matter? Getting more popcorn.


Ann Coulter isn’t married to a person, she’s married to attention and hate.


Ann who?


Go right ahead Ann - you and your pals like Rush have been RINOing the decent legislators out of the GOP for years. Getting rid of the few remaining Republicans that aren’t either completely whack-a-doodle or fully-owned by Putin and his minion will make 2020 even better for real Americans.

…this is probably her way of trying to get back into trump’s good graces (ick!)…


The thing about political coalitions held together by fear is that once you reach a tipping point in defectors, the whole thing just collapses.

Trump may not realize it, but he needs Senate Republicans more than they need him. Count on him to shatter his base of support over a largely symbolic issue (courts are holding up his asinine “emergency” declaration).


Who knew that Ann Coulter’s tears could taste so sweet?

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It truly does not matter to any thinking person. But then nobody has accused Ann, Trump, or any of his supporters of actually thinking.


Is your head exploding, Ann? Are you owned, pwned, triggered, do you resemble a snowflake? Or is it just that your tough, realistic persona isn’t equipped to actually do what tough, realistic people do best: suck it up and deal with it? Anyway these things happen, life is a matter of ups and downs, fuck you, thoughts and prayers, have a nice day. Back a better horse in your next life.


Looking forward to the presidential tweet praising “Smart cookie Ann Coulter.”

When I first read that and saw horse + Ann Coulter I just immediately thought ‘he went there?’ Then realized that no, I had gone there , and I’m ok with that :slightly_smiling_face:


Funny thing is, considering that all Senators and Representatives have sworn to uphold the Constitution, those that vote against the unconstitutional use of funds allocated for other purposes and who vote for support of Article I separation of powers and Congress’s power of the purse should be considered to be stepping away from partisan bullshit and towards patriotism. They should be applauded.

If Coulter wants to call those Republicans who stand on the right side of history and the Constitution “Republicans In Name Only”, then exactly what does that say about her view of the Republican party? I will tell you. Her RINO claim implies that the Republican party does NOT believe in the Constitution and the rule of law, but we already knew that, given that the GOP failed to perform constitutionally-mandated oversight from January 2017 through December 2019 and has a tyrant leader who is wholeheartedly supported by racists, fascists and Russian trolls.

There is a reason why We The People produced a blue tsunami during November of 2018. It is because patriots were (and still are) concerned for the nation and want it protected from authoritarianism and foreign enemies. Coulter should realize that the enemy isn’t the foreigner on the southern border. The enemy are the people who manipulated the morbidly incompetent national security risk (a.k.a. BLOTUS) into the White House.


Maybe we’ve all gone there. It’s a character thing with her, that she calls forth because she deserves it. Reminds me, I had a tartly funny Russian history prof who once told the class regarding Catherine the Great, “And no, people, it’s not true about the horse.”

Ann, wouldn’t you have more luck peeing on Mitt Romney’s hotel bed? Just a suggestion.

Ann who?

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Full text of Coulter’s remarks:

“You cursed brat, look what you’ve done! I’m melting! Ohhhhh… What a world, what a world! Who ever thought a little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness?! Ah, I’m going! Ahhh!”

Hey Ann, which orifice became the most “itchy” as you wrote that?

Coulter: “The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot,”. She also fumed that Trump is just “fooling the rubes” with this national emergency declaration.

But that was so last week. Now she is mad at the Republican Senators who voted against the idiotic Trump’s attempt to fool the rubes

Puff Adder says what?