Discussion: Ann Coulter Is Giddy That Liberals Threw 'Hissy Fits' Over Her Soccer Column

Must suck wasting a life dripping in anger, yipping for attention.

But Ann, those 85 year-old obese Tea Party fellers sure do think you’re hot!!


Ann Coulter…what to say? She is second only to Rachel Maddow.

Did people get angry? Or did they look at it as another wretched troll saying something stupid?

It’s not like anyone gets angry about anything EG says - consider the source - someone that mom didn’t pay enough attention to, so now we all have to put up with a toddler throwing shit.

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What does that say about her soul, that criticism of her churlish comments should bring about in her a state of euphoria?

It says that she is, frankly, a demonic narcissist.

Of course she is giddy. Nobody has paid much attention to her lately and that is her “mother’s milk”…Being noticed, talked about. What ever works to get the cameras on her.

Hi Josh, it’s Mike. Way back when you asked a favor. Cash to underwrite your trip to New Hampshire. Remember? I sent you 25 bucks. Now it’s my turn. You’re the boss around here, right? So if you say “No more Ann Coulter”, you could actually make that happen. Or am I missing something? It’s past time to man up, show some class, resist the click-bait temptation, and just ignore this harlot. She’s beyond contempt, and you know it.


'nuff said

Buck Henry did a great SNL skit years ago, where he was a radio talk show host who wasn’t getting any calls. He kept upping the ante with increasingly offensive and moronic statements to try to get attention (“Dead puppies, I love 'em!”). Henry’s character was a more refined version of Ann Coulter.

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Tranny Coulter is a bomb throwing attention whore who thrives when she is trolling someone or some event with her idiotic and incendiary remarks.
It’s what she does; it’s what she IS. It’s pathetic that such a life rewards her so well, but her low/no information Rightie Wingnuttery devotees just can’t lick up her verbal and written slop fast enough. She feeds the base and depraved mindlessness that motivates the lowest of the low in this society and she contributes nothing of value or anything positive to the social fabric or public forum…and yet the cesspool she creates and invites her willing followers to join and swim in with her allows her to thrive. It is ONLY that attention that keeps her, like stubborn mold, reappearing. Sad.
Perfect anagram for Ann Coulter: Unclean Rot


Ann, you and your large penis really need to give it a rest.

No, she’s sane and (in 21st century America) relatively well-balanced: she understands exactly what buttons to push in order make a 6-figure living by spouting 300 words of hatred twice a week. It works perfectly.


She is a fame whore in the vein of Kim Fatassian. The best thing to do is ignore her.

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Why does Coulter get any airtime at all, especially on TPM?

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This kind of thing is even more pathetic in real life than it is on the internet, and it’s pretty pathetic on the internet.

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Hey, Libs, your stupid is showing again. You might want to put that away.


Adam’s Apple Annie represents transgender republicans marvelously.

The difference between Coulter and Cruz being what, exactly?

Libs, your choice of the Manneken Pis as your avatar was far too optimistic. Your comment-pee lacks the acid, pungent quality I’m guessing you were hoping for. If only you could try harder!


[The difference between Coulter and Cruz being what, exactly? ]

Carnival’ Cruz is MUCH more effeminate.

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…and has sold less books than Mighty Anne.

Just wish Marshall didn’t have such a man crush on him.