Really? You mean their headquarters doesn’t allow gun?
This need to be shouted from the rooftops. Not that it’s hypocritical but that they don’t believe their own bs.
Really? You mean their headquarters doesn’t allow gun?
This need to be shouted from the rooftops. Not that it’s hypocritical but that they don’t believe their own bs.
I suspect most of these people are felons of one sort or another.
everyone loves a ‘horse race’…
A good lawyer can get you out of many bad circumstances.
at the St. Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s office in California
Good morning Lauren Fox, or TPM in general. FYI, it’s called “San Luis Obispo”, not Saint Luis Obispo or St. Luis Obispo. Promise, you can look it up. I’d also highly recommend visiting, it’s a beautiful small college town just south of San Clemente on a mind-blowing stretch of the California coast.
Wampler–like many of the men holed up in Oregon–was also present for the Cliven Bundy standoff in Nevada against the Bureau of Land Management in 2014.
Five dollars says that he wasn’t one of the human shields.
Let this be a cautionary lesson for all of us: it takes a good guy with a 16" rod to stop a bad guy with a 16" rod.
just for shiiits and grins. google slidefire, bump fire or ar 15 rubber band trick. youtube has 2 or 3 examples. i don’t have any rifles, just 12 g mossburg pump. you can rubber band just about any semi. works on pistols, also. i only have revolvers. i’m not an advocate, but folks need to know what they are up against.
if this is against the rules, so be it.
ice cream. raz
I suggest that the distinction only matters to people who wouldn’t listen under ANY circumstances. People on the fence at this stage of the game just want to stay on the fence.
[quote=“OrigamiTrain, post:15, topic:31520, full:true”]
Technicalities, I know, but it’s an AR-15. And the AR-15 isn’t an assault rifle. It just looks like one. Assault rifles have to include a fire selector to merit the designation, and the AR-15 is only semi-automatic–one squeeze, one shot.[/quote]
Technically correct, which is the best kind of correct. I have noticed that “assault-style weapons” is showing up more in media reports; a small improvement perhaps. But I don’t buy this argument:
Anybody who is truly “on the fence” about gun regulation - someone who is giving serious consideration to arguments and policy proposals on both sides - is not going to just ignore half the debate because they often use the technically incorrect term “assault rifle” that has pretty much been adopted nation-wide to refer to any tacti-cool military-looking rifle.
Said in reverse, anybody who thinks, “welp, that person called that AR-15 an assault rifle when clearly it does not have a fire mode selector, so therefore I don’t think we need any regulations” was not really on the fence on the issue, IMO. They’re looking for a reason to justify their existing views and “See? See? They don’t even know the proper name to call it!” is an excuse.
I think it’s fine to try and educate the non-gun-owning public so they can be careful about terms, but if they find themselves in a “debate” with someone who is going to latch onto the technical definition of “assault rifle” as a counter-point then I don’t think there was actually a debate at all. And that is not at all a dig at you OrigamiTrain; I see where you’re coming from, I just don’t agree with the conclusion.
/gun owner
//no tacti-cool weapons
///also no assault rifles, machine guns, SMGs, or rocket launchers
Thanks. I too was going to mention that it is San Luis Obispo. And what a beautiful coastal area it is.
Did you mean San Simeon? San Clemente is in Orange County over 240 miles south of San Luis Obispo.
We need to build a wall to keep these murdering Mexicans
secular humanists
undercover federal agents out of America.
Well, now I’m beginning to see the problem faced by the locals. But Instead of sending in federal troops why not send in bounty hunters? Those guys don’t take prisoners if they can help it. .
Cream of the Crop of the Superior Race, eh?
Probably the old man was a POS, just like the son.
Isn’t the correct headline “Armed Protester at Oregon Refuge IS a Convicted Murderer.”? Unless his conviction was overturned, and nothing in the article say that, he’s a convicted murderer.
Is anyone really surprised by this. I wouldn’t be surprised if more of them have committed murder and just not caught.
Sometimes I wonder if TPM isn’t afraid of blowback from the militia men. They have no problem accusing HRC of being the target of an investigation but reluctant to say a militia man is a convicted murderer
Get your sorry ass out of here