Would’ve been nice to hear from the heavy hitters like Howard Kohr and Malcolm Hoenlein, but these guys who spoke out in the face of Trump’s twisted attempt to con American Jews – con all of America – deserve a medal each.
Since Trump’s dad was born in Germany (I know, I know), should we be asking him about “Your Chancellor”?
Reminiscent of an interview I saw David Gregory did with Netanyahu where he started a question, “As the leader of the Jewish people…” WTF?
Some Trump minion: “We are all Israelis now.”
You’re right on every point, but this is an extra special fuck-up on his part, IMO. Next thing you know, he’ll be saying that Jewish Democrats are not “his kind of Jew.”
I still can’t get my head around the fact that we have such a bigoted asshole as Preznit. He makes Archie Bunker look like a highly educated statesman.
No doubt some variation of that will form their defense of this stupidity.
Right! She was clumsy and her comments were open to interpretation. There’s no alternate interpretation of what he said. It’s plain that he thinks the Israeli PM is THEIR country’s leader. It’s so gross, but where is the media? Where are Andrea Mitchell and company screaming about this?
Actually, “His Chancellor” had this clipped little mustache, apparently took it up to show that he’d worn a gas mask in the Great War…
True story. Jewish friend at work saw our CEO’s wife in the hall. She and her husband had just come back from a trip to Israel. She actually says to my co-worker, “Oh, hey, I just came back from your country!! We should talk!” She said this to a woman who is 100% American. Some Evangelicals (and general right-wingers) have a sickening mentality that Jews are just pseudo-American and that their “real” country is Israel.
Sad, that’s unlikely. Once a person becomes so venomous as Trump, he/she is immune to criticism.
It’s news that some democrats make a mistake, but for republicans, being offensive is normalcy.
That won’t be his tweet. He would never use the word “temerity.” That is word that is beyond his biggly vocabulary.
HAHAHA Look at how we’ve just moved on from that? Not to ignore your point, but it just jumped out at me that just last week, in one week, the POTUS lied on multiple occasions about where his father was born AND claimed that windmill noise causes cancer. This guy is still upset about the last part.
Safety in numbers… Since he says so many outrageous things each day, it’s impossible to cover them all…
But boy, this one in particular should be getting highlighted. You can’t be charging after the Dems, talking about the Jexodus, and then in the next breath casually drop in that you actually think that they’re Israeli because of their religion…
If he was, Trump would treat him like shit.
I know there is going to be a lot of soul-searching amongst Republicans to redress quickly this recurring dual loyalty theme from their president. Being good and righteous people, there is no way they will tolerate ongoing age-old slurs toward Jews. They will viciously call out antisemitism in their own ranks and demand an apology.
Chatting with my neighbor whose parents - both judges - voted for Trump, I asked him why they could tolerate such an individual? He’s young and he said he didn’t know. But we know the answer: money. That’s it. Their taxes and profits are more important than corruption, treason, family separations, climate change, guns, etc. THESE are the true deplorables (and all GOP MOC) - because they all know better.
Hey, those folks I at least respect. It’s good for their pocketbooks.
The real Deplorables are those middle-class and poor folk who keep voting Republicans even though it’s against all of their self-interests.
At that point it becomes cult-like, immune to logic and difficult to alter. Moreover, the very act of trying to “reach” can become hazardous.
There is a metaphor for reaching those folks, nevertheless.
It has to be “their” idea.
Ah yes, but that was another ‘Germany’ that Trump’s ‘Dad’ was born in…