Can I find in the Fiction or Non-Fiction section?
two surprises…
one is that Cheeto Donnie’s supporters might be able to read…
two is how do they get the reviews written in crayon to Amazon?
The knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers did the same thing re: Clinton’s “Stronger Together” policy book. I agree with the person who couldn’t understand how the “reviewers” got their original crayon text posted online; that’s a mystery to me, too.
Don’t you have to buy it to be able to review it? I am sure she doesn’t mind the $ since who the hell is going to buy it anyway?
Gotta love how if the Right hates you they REALLY hate you and perspective be damned!
Amazon’s policy is that you have to have spent $50 lifetime on anything. So if you buy a lot of cheetos, you can leave a review on a book you haven’t bought.
Cool. I did not know that. I better get busy.
I feel soooo bad for her. Really. Such a fine upstanding person can’t even make an honest living writing tabloid trash anymore.
I just ordered it. It was worth it to thumb my nose at the Trumpetts. Besides, I’m kind of liking her guts. MSNBC needs to steal her away from Fox and replace Scarborough with her. That show is BORING.
Can I find [it] in the Fiction or Non-Fiction section?
Her past as an enthusiastic contributor to the Fox Noise machine does more to discredit her than any organized campaign now.
Everyone is having fun dissing Kelly’s book—but this orchestrated attempt to denigrate Kelly and her book is a chilling look at how Trumpanzees see the press and how they’ll treat the press.
The first thing fascists do is cow and co-opt media—so that they can have total control of the message.
This is just a baby step on the way to total control for these morons.
Perhaps it’s time for a mass review of Art of The Deal.
Can you post reviews in foreign languages?
I suppose not. It would be fun to post a bunch of really positive reviews of Trump in German.
Gotta wonder if these negative reviews might have the opposite effect… People who use, buy off amazon know how these reviews come about. Isn’t there a box one checks that one has actually bought the book?
“…The first thing fascists do is cow and co-opt media-…”
Indeed, a compliant media are a hallmark of fascism.
Check out how CNN and MSNBC is already normalizing Trump.
Few yrs back I got hate mail at my home – for crissaskes – my home! – for a letter I wrote to the local paper complaining of the swiftboating of Kerry.
The first time I laid eyes on Megyn was a negative review all in itself. She reeked of some, je ne sais quoi, stench of inauthenticity, lack of genuineness, incipient smugness? I should say that in spite of her glamorous looks, she wasn’t able to hide a sense of her decadent false cravenness. Nonetheless, I applaud her for kicking Roger Ailes in the balls, so to speak, which he doubtlessly deserved; and for her spunky little battle with Deplorable Donnie. However, I wouldn’t give her more than a 6.5, if that. In my book, character counts for something and nothing she has ever said has been able to overcome my sense of her overwhelming insincerity. It mars any beauty she may have.
Trumpanzee. LOVE IT!!
ralph, do i actually have to read it before i review it? i thought you were a nice guy.