Discussion: Amash: Trump's Dem Deal 'Proves Not Much Has Changed In Washington'

I would say quite a lot has changed. When is the last time the opposition party in Congress has actively pursued agreement with the President rather than be 100% obstructionist?

You’re probably right. We’ll see. Was thinking of the rest of the country, not just his minions. But being soooo sensitive to poll numbers, and being sooo shortsighted, even a slight bump in his poll numbers would mix things up. Republicans are already at the point of hysteria. Think of it as another day down, another day closer to Mueller going medieval on all the Russian players.

It’s amazing that all those Michiganers, I was born in Leland, Mi., have been dobbed by ALL that $$$ and BS from those “think tanks”, advertising companies. When will people learn. Probably after it’s too late.

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