Discussion: Allies Of Indicted Sen. Menendez Launch Defense Website

Discussion for article #235025

Heh. Still got his hand out. He just can’t help himself.

Maybe it’s the cynic in me, but this whole “charity out of nowhere for every reason and every person” is quickly closing in on my very last nerve.

You’re a wealthy senator (from my state) and kind of a Democrat: You’re in trouble? Deal with it. You get $174K as folding money, protection, transportation, insulation (to date), and health care. You were rich when you started and if you haven’t cashed in on all the “free” money that changes hands every day in this state, well … I don’t know what to say.

A pizza doofus in IN can now retire - if he ever sees it all - thanks to this sudden get-rich-quick scheme now in play for political reasons. I say: bull sh*t. You want to save a child’s life or get a few Veterans off the streets? Start a website for them.

No dinero por tu, Senor.

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The only tears I shed are for the fact that if Menendez is removed, Fat Ass Donut Boy New Jersey Division will appoint a Republican to his Senate seat. I personally would like to see Menendez flushed down the pipes. His disrespect towards Obama and Obama’s foreign policy is no better than the Republicans. And I hope Bobby Boy doesn’t expect the President to come rallying to his defense. If you piss in someone’s face, Sen. Menendez, don’t expect them to serve you a crab puff at their next dinner party.

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