Discussion: Allen West: 'Black Activists' Shouldn't Play 'Victim' After SC Shooting

"“At this time we need to once again focus on correcting that which ails the black community: strong families and economic growth,…” A dead father of four makes for a strong family? How’s that again, Allen?

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I don’t want this “Unfit-for Service” miscreant telling me what works or doesn’t work.

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the pay is good.

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“It’s not necessary for anyone to try and claim this for political advantage,”

Said Allen West making a claim for political advantage.


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No, I’m sorry – a guy ended up being tasered and then shot to death over a broken taillight. That does not fit my definition of “working.” Yes, South Carolina is doing a better job of handling the aftermath than New York, or Ohio, or Missouri have done recently, but the problems of (1) excessive policing of black neighborhoods; and (2) excessive use of force against blacks by policemen (I understand there have been many lawsuits against the North Charleston police force) remain.

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Yeah, Bob-- just stack that manure a couple of yards high and flatten the top with your shovel. Perfect.

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In the aftermath of a white cop shooting unarmed black South Carolina
man Walter Scott, former Rep. Allen West (R-GA) wrote that people of
color should not embrace “the victim mentality” in this case since “the
justice system clearly worked.”

Mr West, the system only worked after the shooting video surfaced. Prior to that the cop was defended by his department and in all likelihood the shooting would have been swept under the rug. It took the video to get the justice system working.


Well – since in SC, shootings by local police are investigated by an arm of the state police rather than the friends and colleagues of the policeman that did the shooting, there is a better chance that questions would have been raised after an autopsy showed Scott had been shot in the back, and from a distance. But prosecution would have been more difficult, since it would not have been so clearly evident that Scott did not have posession of the taser, and also very clear that nobody was doing any CPR or attempting to stop bleeding from the wounds, as the second officer’s statement claimed.

How does your post justify this shooting??? It looks like young black men get shot far more frequently by police than young while men: 21 times more.

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Hahah, not in any way imaginable. Well, not to sane people, anyway.

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OK then.

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A very sick man.

Yea, whatever happened with this guy?

First, I had hoped we wouldn’t hear from this retro any more. He has nothing to offer that is constructive to the well being of our country. Second, the Justice system did not work here, it would have failed miserably were it not for the video, as every one was willing to believe the cop’s word of what happened and move on. I believe West gets up in the morning, looks into the mirror and sees a white man. He surely hates black folks.

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I’m pretty sure he got fired and I imagine the department settled with the injured guy who was last seen lying on the ground asking the officer why he shot him.

The justice system did not clearly work. It worked because it was FORCED to work – it was place in a position where even the most ridiculous leaps of logic and wide latitude that usually get law enforcement officers normally get could not be applied.

It worked because a civilian caught the act on video and gave the footage to the victim’s family. Because if that footage was given directly to the police department of the local district attorney, there was a realistic chance that the phone would get damaged, or footage erased – or that the man who took the video would be leveraged to not make it known to the public that the video exists.

Had there been no video, the victim would have been portrayed as the stereotypical out of control big, hulking, bloodthirsty, black beast who had to be put down. There would never have been an issue of if the shooting was justified or not – because people are obtuse and believe that police NEVER have reason to lie.

The justice system clearly did not work because there is a man who is guilty of nothing other than being behind on child support and having a broken tail light, who is DEAD.

The justice system did not work because the office thought nothing of firing eight shots at a fleeing individual who was not a threat to him.

The justice system did not work because the office thought nothing of attempting to cover up his misdeeds by giving a false narrative and tampering with evidence on the scene.

The justice system does not work because unless you have a rare instance such as this one where everything is on video, there is no accountability. Cop shoots and kills unarmed civilian, cop takes a paid vacation. DA plays softball (because DAs and cop have to work together) – and either blows the indictment or the trial (if there is one). The only recourse for the family is to file a civil suit. And who pays for that? The taxpayers. The officer is never in any personal jeopardy.

The justice system does not work because some officers RELY on it as it is in order to get away with bad deeds.

The justice system does not work because this is the one instance out of many that is given the scrutiny that is warranted.

If everything else in the world had such low expectations to consider it working…


Specifically how is he correct? I’m dumbfounded by your comment, and can’t really believe anything that idiot said is correct … and may I remind you of his history with fire-arms and “victims?”

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And stupid people can actually write a sentence … as you have proved.

Orly Taitz?

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What a fucking piece of shite this guy is. “Milk” it? Seriously?

Mr. West, you have no shame.

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