Discussion: Alaska Lawmaker Says Women Get Abortions For 'A Free Trip To The City'

“Eastman has said that one group should not be singled out because of race or heritage”

So he is against St. Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, Hanukkah and Christmas Resolutions?

Good to know.


Be safe. Remember, you’re flying for two now.


I’d choose a 2x4 myself.

A future Palin proud papa.

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What kind of women does he associate with ?

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Let me guess - he could never get a date with a girl in high school and so now he’s letting his total ignorance take over. His mother must be so proud - NOT.

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“Abortion is a very serious issue, and it needs to be talked about,” Eastman said in an interview.

Abortion is a legal procedure. WTF is there to talk about?

Aleut word for “batshit”


Why should my federal tax dollars support Alaska? It’s so far away, and I will probably never visit it again.

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“the goods are odd”

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The kind with an air valve.

Hence, his know-nothingness of a real woman’s attitude.

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Electing Republicans is the ultimate form of child abuse.

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It’s also a legal medical procedure.

I like your second alternative better.

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American tax dollars for America, not for exotic destinations.

“the ultimate form of child abuse”

Your thuggish god abuses approximately half of what you are calling children, or about 5 times as many as are medically aborted.

Free trip to Anchorage is dog whistle for “native”…

M. Paul

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What a dick. What makes him think such trips are free?! And women plan to get pregnant so that they can intentionally get an abortion? WTF?! I bet this guy has some skeletons in his closet. Regardless, he’s still a full-fledged asswipe.

A disgusting vestige of centuries of male dominated societies where women have been objectivified and marginalized. Look at any major institution and carefully examine the structure for verification.

Sarah’s brother from another mother. Sheesh!

The sad thing is not so much what these bozos say, it’s that there is an audience for it.