… in eligible [sic]
Really, TPM? Are you trying to say Alan Grayson can’t spell because the person who transcribed the interview added a space?
… in eligible [sic]
Really, TPM? Are you trying to say Alan Grayson can’t spell because the person who transcribed the interview added a space?
According to a 2011 Congressional Research Service report, when determining presidential eligibility the term “natural born” citizen most likely includes “those born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent who, prior to the birth, had met the requirements of federal law for physical presence in the country.” That definition covers Cruz, who was born in Calgary, Alberta in 1970 to a Cuban-born father and American-born mother.
TPM, I don’t know how you can report that Cruz’s mother was American-born with such certainty. Until we see the long-form US birth certificate for Cruz’s mother, there’s no way we can know for sure that she was born in the US.
Personally I suspect Cruz’s mom, just like Cruz himself, was born in Canada - and that once he’s President he will hand over our great American country to the British Queen!
Without a doubt, we should be subjecting Cruz’s claims to the same level of scrutiny his own party, the GOP, demanded for President Obama. After all President Obama was actually born in the US, unlike Ted Cruz. So, at the very least, Ted Cruz should be vetted with far more scrutiny than someone who was born here in the United States of America.
After all, that’s what Ted Cruz wants for Syrian refugees. We should give Cruz the same scrutiny he demands of others, and I’m sure Ted Cruz would agree with that - because it would reveal him as a hypocrite if he didn’t!
I was about to post the same criticism. Thanks for sparing me the effort.
This is also the loophole that birthers latched onto that would have disqualified Obama had he been born outside the US, because his mother was only 18 at the time he was born.
Amusingly, since the release of the birth certificate, some have gritted their teeth and accepted that he was born in Hawaii, but moved on to claiming that a “natural born citizen” (as opposed to a “native born citizen”) must have two citizen parents. In addition to having no legal basis, it would disqualify Cruz and others.
Also- “most likely” meets the qualifications? That’s a pretty low bar for the Presidency!
Yes, Alan Grayson has no standing in federal court, but he can sue in a state court after Sen Cruz has become the Republican presidential nominee. Sen Cruz is a statutory U.S. citizen at birth. He is not an Art. II, §I, Cl. 5, natural born citizen.
I love me some Alan Grayson!
Neither Obama nor Cruz is an Art. II, §I, Cl. 5, natural born citizen, as both were subject to foreign sovereignties at birth. Whereas an Art. II, §I, Cl. 5, natural born citizen is a person born exclusively under U.S. sovereignty.
What’s good for the goose… BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA…!
Actually, if your father is an American and your mother is not, you have to prove that he acknowleged you and paid for your support.
Hawaii is not a foreign country.
We have the documented purpose of the phrase: “natural born citizen,” given to us by its originator, to insure the office of the command in chief of the nation’s armed forces devolved on none but natural born citizens.
OMG I thought that was just an urban legend but…you were right!
What are you raving about? Natural born citizen = US citizen by birth. Period. Every US citizen is either natural born or naturalized.
Who qualifies as natural born, beyond what is already specified in 14th Amendment, is defined in statute.
Wait a minute! Sen Cruz has told us he acquired his U.S. citizenship – well, he says “by birth”, but the statute (Title 8 USC §1401 (g)) never mentions anything happening other than “at birth”. Now the question is, why would a Harvard Law School graduate purposely misquote the very statute he basis his whole presidency upon?
But U.S. citizenship by birth is only acquired as a natural political right, whereas U.S. citizenship at birth actually means after birth when all the papers are signed and notarized.
Being a naturalized citizen is in fact the proof that you can’t be president. If there are no naturalization papers for Ted Cruz, and he is a citizen because his mother is a citizen, then he is eligible to be president.
I thought you were referring to McCain’s birth canal zone, which was indeed American, and enough to make him eligible to be President.
Turnabout is always fair-play BUT Ted Cruz is actually one of those Canadian anchor babies.
I got through the Ahnold governorship though we in the City and County of San Francisco didn’t vote for him, and I always thought it was interesting that the chatter of the day briefly was a push to amend the Constitution to allow people born abroad but naturalized to run for the presidency because Ahnold was special. This enthusiasm such as it was would never have been sustained since he’d be up against all those sitting politicians who would have to bring the issue to the front and they were the very ones who looked in a mirror and saw the next president. They really didn’t the added competition from him