Discussion: Alabama Mayor Walks Back Move To Ban Media 'Circus' From Council Meetings

she issued the ban earlier this year without knowing it would violate the law

Stupid is as Stupid does.


Only one of the first in what’s going to become a huge crowd of trumpian electeds who think they are monarchs.


If a town that size is doing anything reporters might be interested in, its elected leaders should probably be fired.


As a longtime fire-eating contortionist lion-taming reporter, I welcome this reversal.


“What goes on in Paint Rock is the business of the people who live in Paint Rock,” she told the paper.

Is this a variation on “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” or “What goes on in Buchenwald is the business of the people running the camp in Buchenwald”?

In her defense at least she owned up to it. On the other hand, any American who doesn’t understand the First Amendment should probably be stripped of their citizenship.

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Paint Rock Mayor Brenda Fisk told WAAY-TV she issued the ban earlier this year without knowing it would violate the law.

I mean, how could she possibly know that being mayor means you need to know about all these nitpicky laws and stuff? As any viewer of Fox Pravda knows, politics is all about ideological purity (for your folks) and venal corruption (for them folks).

“She has a very good head on her shoulders,” said Counts.

Then maybe she should start using it, instead of whatever the Hell she was using when she wrote that memo.


Don’t tell me…she’s a ex-girl friend of Roy Moore’s. Sad.

We all know you’re the tattooed lady during your breaks on the Midway.

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That was just that one time, after I fell asleep on the couch and my kids went to town with a 12-pack of Sharpies.


Johnathon Counts, a lifelong resident of Paint Rock who has known Fisk for years,

This is the kind of sourcing we desperately need here at TPM. Thanks AP!

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Alabama. Again.

Register people to vote. Get to the polls. I refuse to believe everyone in Alabama is an idiot.

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nothing says good parenting like a flaming skull with ‘mother’ in german black script

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I particularly liked the assertion that she couldn’t have been doing anything shady. Because that’s the first thing I would think, not that she was an authoritarian, or ignorant, or couldn’t stand the press or outsiders. But specifically to keep secret some kind of corrupt dealings.

Oh, wait. But now that it’s been suggested, I am wondering.


“We don’t need a media circus at our Town Council meetings. We already have enough clowns in attendance.”

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Good head on her shoulders? But not good enough to manage her Town Council meetings…

No, just stripped of their mayoralty.