Discussion: Alabama Bans 'Arthur' Episode With Gay Wedding

The NRA comes to mind.


Alabama, this week, Mississippi thanks you.


Was Mueller this insistent with Barr (who made the report very political)?


Alabama: Proudly Marching Forward into the 1920’s.


Alabama: Proudly Marching Forward into the 920’s.



I hear they are creating a special episode to highlight Alabama family values. They will put all of Arthur’s pals in small wire cages.


Thank you. It was 6 years ago, this August will be our 27th anniversary. We tease about it being our 21 + 6.


I’d suggest more like “Dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century…”

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Fuck Alabama. Sideways.

Had I been the person making the decision not to air the “Arthur” episode, I would have made the same decision.

Alabama Public Television does a lot of good in this state, and keeping it on the air is important.

Yes, Alabama has its share of morons and mean people, and they’re in charge, but it also has a lot of people who are simply oppressed.


ENDORSED. :muscle:

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To be preempted by Roy Moore goes shopping at the mall.

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How about by “Doug Jones goes to the Senate”?


Where in the Bible does it say mice can’t have gay sex or gay marry? Nowhere, that’s where.

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“Has there EVER been a more aggrieved class of self-pitying, victim-card-playing crybabies than the GOP?”

Well, yes. In our not so distant past. Remember when an aggrieved Adolf Hitler was complaining how normal people were being constantly victimized by Jews? And how they pushed good, honest christianists out of decent jobs in the banking industry? And how Hitler, in response to the Jews taking over the financial industries, decided the safest move would be to expand their living space, ie, Liebensraum? Poor Hitler. So misunderstood. Luckily, he has a new adherent to his empathic and warm policies towards minorities, even if those warm policies sometimes included large scale ovens.

I hesitated mentioning ovens, only so we don’t accidentally give Herr Trump new ideas. Stacking children in warehouse prisons away from their families is bad enough.

If anyone does not recognize the clear, nasty SARCASM behind this post, then there is no hope for this country.

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“Dogs and cats, living together!”


Probably sometime after 1936, when the Rural Electrification Act was passed. And don’t forget Huntsville which has actual rocket scientists.


The folks in Alabama must be confused with “Of mice and men”.

Of course it was regressive and called out as such. It was also struck down. Being a CA native I can tell you we have probably suffered as many, if not more, inflammatory insults than most red states. Spare me.


I agree with you on the headline, terribly misleading and overly inflammatory.

That said, the decision not to air the episode was cowardly. It makes me wonder how much other self-censorship has/can/will go on at Alabama’s so-called public television if they are afraid of two gay cartoon rats getting married. If a similar programming decision were made where I live in Kentucky, we would immediately discontinue our monthly KET membership and find some other way to support public television nationally.

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