Discussion: Ala. Probate Judge Knocks Chief Justice: I'm On 'Right Side Of History'

+1,000,000 for

“At the time Chief Justice Moore had not started bloviating on this topic…”


Dear Judge Reed,
You’re right. You couldn’t actually be more right.

Thank you,
The rest of the nation.

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As a black man Judge Steven Reed means but also on this ridiculous Gay marriage thingy.

A black judge who supports same-sex marriage? I wonder how many death threats he’s gotten from good Christian folk?

In any case, good for him for doing his job and enforcing the law.


I’ve lived in states where the judges are elected, and states where they’re appointed. Both systems have their problems.

Elected judges are more likely to be politicians like Moore, or former prosecutors running on platforms of being tough on crime rather than platforms of being fair and neutral.
But appointed judges aren’t likely to fairly judge the politicians and government officials who got them appointed.


Nice job, and you are completely CORRECT! KUDOS TO Judge Reed !

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Not enough folks loathe him to keep him off the Bench.

How could Judge Reed even live in the south? No offense to anyone, but we should have let them leave in the 1860s. I am tired of the south making us look like hateful fools to the world.

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Women too.

It wasn’t all that well stated. I think what he meant was we are nation ruled by laws not men as in a nation of “The Rule of Law”. Of course the USA is a nation of Men…Women too.

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Right on judge Reed! This judge Moore is in the wrong profession.

I disagree. I thought it was very well stated.
Bravo to Judge Reed.

“…I think it was a desperate attempt to defy the federal government…”

No. Don’t romanticize it.

Conservatives love the federal government, and intend to fully use and expand federal power.

His deeds are fine but talking about “bloviating” etc. is unnecessary language for a probate judge to use on this medium. It feels good, but he’s not some member of the state legislature though if you are going to have elective judges, it is going to invite such political/partisan language.

I too lived in a state where judges are elected (Pa), and state where they are appointed. In Pennsylvania there were numerous charges filed against judges in various courts, and some convictions followed. Not so in Delaware, where I can’t recall one incident. I think it has a lot to do with the reasonableness of the citizens of each state, but also don’t believe judges should raise money, then sit on the bench rendering judgment on cases brought by their biggest contributors, the lawyers.

It’s heartening to learn that there is at least one judge in Alabama who remembers what his job is and is not a homophobic buffoon. The rest of the Alabama judicial system is a laughingstock, and this judge is a beacon of ethical reason. I will never go to Alabama because, well,.Alabama, but if I did, I would definitely request this judge to let me take him out to lunch.

Y’all ain’t from 'round 'ear, arn’t ‘cha, boy? Boy - I’m tawkin’ ta YOU!

This is definitely not the Alabama I grew up in.