( Moore ) …" Dog ! ! … This is so rigged ! " —
He’s halfway to becoming a sovereign citizen.
Might as well take the leap and join the Bundy clan in prison.
Har. (This unfortunate piss ant not deserve 3 hars.)
“It would be against the principals I hold dear to tell somebody to defy a federal court or a state court order,”
And who are these principals? Trump, Cruz… who else?
It’s clear the man has no principles.
“It would be against the principals I hold dear to tell somebody to defy a federal court or a state court order,” Moore said, as quoted by WBMA. “That is their decision.”
principals principles
I had a friend who was raised in AL and she said when she heard AL being disparaged she knew there was still Mississippi doing even worse and always would be.
Could be, but 'Bama sure seems to trying durn hard to win that race to the bottom of the fever swamp…
This is the 2d time he’s been removed from the bench because he refused to follow the law. How many times do they get to do that in Alabama before the Alabama Bar Association files a grievance or somebody takes action to remove the man from any possibility of a position of power?
Or as the Alabamites see it, “When can I express another vote of support for this true patriot?”
Elected judges. What a shame.
I hate to say it, but there are two sides to that electing judges thing.
We elect them in Texas and thank dog! As a result of getting that option, Dallas County has a very Democratic bench -we threw 49 Republican judges off their benches and replaced them with Democratic judges in the '06 elections. If our governor or our state lege got to appoint judges, we’d have the craziest bunch of mofos in the country - they’d make Moore look reasonable, I have no doubt.
Wow, that’s a terrific example of a scenario I hadn’t considered.
I take it back.
It’s a double-edged sword for sure and there are heavy arguments against electing them, but it’s a tenet of liberal legal faith in Texas that we have to keep electing our judiciary.
In other states, mileage no doubt varies.
We elect Superior Court judges in California
Long as they got them their semi-pro football team, they’re pigs in shit.
I’ve read a number of his speeches. I can’t find an original argument that was used for pro-slavery idiots, or that wasn’t used in Virginia v. Loving.
There are individuals who have the need to look down upon others instead of putting out a hand to lift them up.
The term “ministerial duty” doesn’t pertain to religious matters or first amendment issues. In the law, “ministerial” refers to actions that are done automatically, without exercise of judgment or discretion. Like say, if you file a Opinion , the clerk has a ministerial duty to stamp it with the date and time received, notwithstanding that it may be the stupidest or most benighted thing ever conceived. (Shorter version, a Roy Moore opinion)
Auditioning for a Trump-SCOTUS appointment?
In the next election cycle Cletus and Jimmy Joe Bob and their sisters they married will pause cooking meth long enough to turn around and elect him to the Chief Justice position AGAIN.
Just like last time.